last sync: 2024-Dec-05 18:53:40 UTC

Log Analytics Contributor

Azure BuiltIn RBAC Role definition

NameLog Analytics Contributor
DescriptionLog Analytics Contributor can read all monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. Editing monitoring settings includes adding the VM extension to VMs; reading storage account keys to be able to configure collection of logs from Azure Storage; adding solutions; and configuring Azure diagnostics on all Azure resources.
CreatedOn2017-04-25 21:51:45 UTC
UpdatedOn2021-11-11 20:13:37 UTC
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change Change detail
2021-08-06 15:06:08 change: Description, Actions New Description: 'Log Analytics Contributor can read all monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. Editing monitoring settings includes adding the VM extension to VMs; reading storage account keys to be able to configure collection of logs from Azure Storage; adding solutions; and configuring Azure diagnostics on all Azure resources.'
Old Description: 'Log Analytics Contributor can read all monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. Editing monitoring settings includes adding the VM extension to VMs; reading storage account keys to be able to configure collection of logs from Azure Storage; creating and configuring Automation accounts; adding solutions; and configuring Azure diagnostics on all Azure resources.',
Actions: 'remove Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/*'
Permissions summary Effective control plane and data plane operations: 7068 (unique operations)
•: 1
•action: 35
•delete: 29
•read: 6968
•write: 35

Actions: 13
Resolved control plane operations from Actions: 7068
Effective control plane operations: 7068
•: 1
•action: 35
•delete: 29
•read: 6968
•write: 35

NotActions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from NotActions: 0
Effective denied control plane operations: 9124

DataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations: 0
Effective data plane operations: 0

NotDataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations from NotDataActions: 0
Effective denied data plane operations: 3303
Operation Description
*/readwildcarded / no description
Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines/extensions/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/listKeys/actionLists the access keys for the storage accounts.
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/writeInstalls or Updates an Azure Arc extensions
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.OperationalInsights/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.OperationsManagement/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups/deployments/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/actionReturns the access keys for the specified storage account.
Microsoft.Support/*wildcarded / no description
NotActions n/a
DataActions n/a
NotDataActions n/a
Used in
BuiltIn Policy
Policy DisplayName Policy Id Category State
[Deprecated]: Configure Association to link Arc machines to default Microsoft Defender for Cloud Data Collection Rule 30f52897-df47-4ca0-81a8-a3be3e8dd226 Security Center Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Configure Association to link Arc machines to user-defined Microsoft Defender for Cloud Data Collection Rule c9ae938d-3d6f-4466-b7c3-351761d9c890 Security Center Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Configure Association to link virtual machines to default Microsoft Defender for Cloud Data Collection Rule a2ea54a3-9707-45e3-8230-bbda8309d17e Security Center Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Configure Association to link virtual machines to user-defined Microsoft Defender for Cloud Data Collection Rule 9c0aa188-e5fe-4569-8f74-b6e155624d9a Security Center Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Configure diagnostic settings for storage accounts to Log Analytics workspace 6f8f98a4-f108-47cb-8e98-91a0d85cd474 Storage Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Deploy a VMInsights Data Collection Rule and Data Collection Rule Association for all the VMs in the Resource Group a0f27bdc-5b15-4810-b81d-7c4df9df1a37 Monitoring Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Deploy a VMInsights Data Collection Rule and Data Collection Rule Association for all the VMSS in the Resource Group c7f3bf36-b807-4f18-82dc-f480ad713635 Monitoring Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Deploy a VMInsights Data Collection Rule and Data Collection Rule Association for Arc Machines in the Resource Group 7c4214e9-ea57-487a-b38e-310ec09bc21d Monitoring Deprecated
[Deprecated]: Deploy default Log Analytics Extension for Ubuntu VMs 3d8640fc-63f6-4734-8dcb-cfd3d8c78f38 Compute Deprecated
[Preview]: Configure Linux VMSS to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory 1142b015-2bd7-41e0-8645-a531afe09a1e ChangeTrackingAndInventory Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux Arc machines to automatically install the Azure Security agent 2f47ec78-4301-4655-b78e-b29377030cdc Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows Arc machines to automatically install the Azure Security agent d01f3018-de9f-4d75-8dae-d12c1875da9f Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure Windows VMSS to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory 8fd85785-1547-4a4a-bf90-d5483c9571c5 ChangeTrackingAndInventory Preview
Configure Arc-enabled Servers with SQL Server extension installed to enable or disable SQL best practices assessment. f36de009-cacb-47b3-b936-9c4c9120d064 SQL Server GA
Configure Arc-enabled SQL Servers to automatically install Microsoft Defender for SQL 65503269-6a54-4553-8a28-0065a8e6d929 Security Center GA
Configure Arc-enabled SQL Servers with Data Collection Rule Association to Microsoft Defender for SQL DCR cbdd12e1-193a-445c-9926-560118c6daaa Security Center GA
Configure Arc-enabled SQL Servers with Data Collection Rule Association to Microsoft Defender for SQL user-defined DCR 2227e1f1-23dd-4c3a-85a9-7024a401d8b2 Security Center GA
Configure Azure Activity logs to stream to specified Log Analytics workspace 2465583e-4e78-4c15-b6be-a36cbc7c8b0f Monitoring GA
Configure Azure Log Analytics workspaces to disable public network access for log ingestion and querying d3ba9c42-9dd5-441a-957c-274031c750c0 Monitoring GA
Configure Azure SQL database servers diagnostic settings to Log Analytics workspace 7ea8a143-05e3-4553-abfe-f56bef8b0b70 SQL GA
Configure Dependency agent on Azure Arc enabled Linux servers deacecc0-9f84-44d2-bb82-46f32d766d43 Monitoring GA
Configure Dependency agent on Azure Arc enabled Linux servers with Azure Monitoring Agent settings 08a4470f-b26d-428d-97f4-7e3e9c92b366 Monitoring GA
Configure Dependency agent on Azure Arc enabled Windows servers 91cb9edd-cd92-4d2f-b2f2-bdd8d065a3d4 Monitoring GA
Configure Dependency agent on Azure Arc enabled Windows servers with Azure Monitoring Agent settings 84cfed75-dfd4-421b-93df-725b479d356a Monitoring GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Databricks Workspaces to Log Analytics workspace 23057b42-ca8d-4aa0-a3dc-96a98b5b5a3d Azure Databricks GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Machine Learning Workspaces to Log Analytics workspace f59276f0-5740-4aaf-821d-45d185aa210e Machine Learning GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Network Security Groups to Log Analytics workspace 98a2e215-5382-489e-bd29-32e7190a39ba Network GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Blob Services to Log Analytics workspace b4fe1a3b-0715-4c6c-a5ea-ffc33cf823cb Storage GA
Configure diagnostic settings for container groups to Log Analytics workspace 41ebf9df-66cb-48e9-a8d0-98afb4e150ce Container Instance GA
Configure diagnostic settings for File Services to Log Analytics workspace 25a70cc8-2bd4-47f1-90b6-1478e4662c96 Storage GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Queue Services to Log Analytics workspace 7bd000e3-37c7-4928-9f31-86c4b77c5c45 Storage GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Storage Accounts to Log Analytics workspace 59759c62-9a22-4cdf-ae64-074495983fef Storage GA
Configure diagnostic settings for Table Services to Log Analytics workspace 2fb86bf3-d221-43d1-96d1-2434af34eaa0 Storage GA
Configure Linux Arc Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint d5c37ce1-5f52-4523-b949-f19bf945b73a Monitoring GA
Configure Linux Arc-enabled machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory 09a1f130-7697-42bc-8d84-8a9ea17e5192 ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Configure Linux Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint 2ea82cdd-f2e8-4500-af75-67a2e084ca74 Monitoring GA
Configure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Sets to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint 050a90d5-7cce-483f-8f6c-0df462036dda Monitoring GA
Configure Linux Virtual Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory bef2d677-e829-492d-9a3d-f5a20fda818f ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Configure Linux Virtual Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint 58e891b9-ce13-4ac3-86e4-ac3e1f20cb07 Monitoring GA
Configure Log Analytics extension on Azure Arc enabled Linux servers. See deprecation notice below 9d2b61b4-1d14-4a63-be30-d4498e7ad2cf Monitoring GA
Configure Log Analytics extension on Azure Arc enabled Windows servers 69af7d4a-7b18-4044-93a9-2651498ef203 Monitoring GA
Configure SQL servers to have auditing enabled to Log Analytics workspace 25da7dfb-0666-4a15-a8f5-402127efd8bb SQL GA
Configure SQL Virtual Machines to automatically install Microsoft Defender for SQL ddca0ddc-4e9d-4bbb-92a1-f7c4dd7ef7ce Security Center GA
Configure Synapse workspaces to have auditing enabled to Log Analytics workspace 32ba8d30-07c0-4136-ab18-9a11bf4a67b7 Synapse GA
Configure Windows Arc Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint c24c537f-2516-4c2f-aac5-2cd26baa3d26 Monitoring GA
Configure Windows Arc-enabled machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory ef9fe2ce-a588-4edd-829c-6247069dcfdb ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Configure Windows Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint eab1f514-22e3-42e3-9a1f-e1dc9199355c Monitoring GA
Configure Windows Virtual Machine Scale Sets to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint 0a3b9bf4-d30e-424a-af6b-9a93f6f78792 Monitoring GA
Configure Windows Virtual Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule for ChangeTracking and Inventory b6faa975-0add-4f35-8d1c-70bba45c4424 ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Configure Windows Virtual Machines to be associated with a Data Collection Rule or a Data Collection Endpoint 244efd75-0d92-453c-b9a3-7d73ca36ed52 Monitoring GA
Deploy - Configure Dependency agent to be enabled on Windows virtual machines 1c210e94-a481-4beb-95fa-1571b434fb04 Monitoring GA
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Key Vault to Log Analytics workspace 951af2fa-529b-416e-ab6e-066fd85ac459 Key Vault GA
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for Azure Kubernetes Service to Log Analytics workspace 6c66c325-74c8-42fd-a286-a74b0e2939d8 Kubernetes GA
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings for SQL Databases to Log Analytics workspace b79fa14e-238a-4c2d-b376-442ce508fc84 SQL GA
Deploy - Configure diagnostic settings to a Log Analytics workspace to be enabled on Azure Key Vault Managed HSM b3884c81-31aa-473d-a9bb-9466fe0ec2a0 Monitoring GA
Deploy - Configure Log Analytics extension to be enabled on Windows virtual machine scale sets 3c1b3629-c8f8-4bf6-862c-037cb9094038 Monitoring GA
Deploy - Configure Log Analytics extension to be enabled on Windows virtual machines 0868462e-646c-4fe3-9ced-a733534b6a2c Monitoring GA
Deploy Dependency agent for Linux virtual machines 4da21710-ce6f-4e06-8cdb-5cc4c93ffbee Monitoring GA
Deploy Dependency agent for Linux virtual machines with Azure Monitoring Agent settings d55b81e1-984f-4a96-acab-fae204e3ca7f Monitoring GA
Deploy Dependency agent to be enabled on Windows virtual machines with Azure Monitoring Agent settings 89ca9cc7-25cd-4d53-97ba-445ca7a1f222 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Batch Account to Log Analytics workspace c84e5349-db6d-4769-805e-e14037dab9b5 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Analytics to Log Analytics workspace d56a5a7c-72d7-42bc-8ceb-3baf4c0eae03 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Data Lake Storage Gen1 to Log Analytics workspace 25763a0a-5783-4f14-969e-79d4933eb74b Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Event Hub to Log Analytics workspace 1f6e93e8-6b31-41b1-83f6-36e449a42579 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Key Vault to Log Analytics workspace bef3f64c-5290-43b7-85b0-9b254eef4c47 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Logic Apps to Log Analytics workspace b889a06c-ec72-4b03-910a-cb169ee18721 Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for PostgreSQL flexible servers to Log Analytics workspace 78ed47da-513e-41e9-a088-e829b373281d PostgreSQL GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Recovery Services Vault to Log Analytics workspace for resource specific categories. c717fb0c-d118-4c43-ab3d-ece30ac81fb3 Backup GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Search Services to Log Analytics workspace 08ba64b8-738f-4918-9686-730d2ed79c7d Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Service Bus to Log Analytics workspace 04d53d87-841c-4f23-8a5b-21564380b55e Monitoring GA
Deploy Diagnostic Settings for Stream Analytics to Log Analytics workspace 237e0f7e-b0e8-4ec4-ad46-8c12cb66d673 Monitoring GA
Deploy Log Analytics extension for Linux virtual machine scale sets. See deprecation notice below 5ee9e9ed-0b42-41b7-8c9c-3cfb2fbe2069 Monitoring GA
Deploy Log Analytics extension for Linux VMs. See deprecation notice below 053d3325-282c-4e5c-b944-24faffd30d77 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for 1ES Hosted Pools (microsoft.cloudtest/hostedpools) to Event Hub 20e491a1-11fe-4d11-ab4e-a81edd23672e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for 1ES Hosted Pools (microsoft.cloudtest/hostedpools) to Log Analytics aade2723-e7f6-46fd-b1dc-e6c2c7f7edc4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for 1ES Hosted Pools (microsoft.cloudtest/hostedpools) to Storage b15247e4-f83b-48b2-b34e-8ea6148a0f34 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Analysis Services (microsoft.analysisservices/servers) to Event Hub 3227dfd8-3536-4336-94c9-78633be6baa2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Analysis Services (microsoft.analysisservices/servers) to Log Analytics e40b8f6f-0ecf-4c3b-b095-ba3562256e48 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Analysis Services (microsoft.analysisservices/servers) to Storage 434b25a4-5396-41ec-97aa-1f4ae3bf269d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Apache Spark pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/bigdatapools) to Event Hub 47f4c5ae-1b43-4620-bcbd-65e2ee6fb7c8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Apache Spark pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/bigdatapools) to Log Analytics 29565b0a-e1b5-49c1-94bf-b8b258656460 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Apache Spark pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/bigdatapools) to Storage a6d488fc-3520-4ec8-9cf6-c5e78d677651 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for API Management services (microsoft.apimanagement/service) to Event Hub 3a8ff864-d881-44ce-bed3-0c63ede634cb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for API Management services (microsoft.apimanagement/service) to Log Analytics 567c93f7-3661-494f-a30f-0a94d9bfebf8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for API Management services (microsoft.apimanagement/service) to Storage 6f3f5778-f809-4755-9d8f-bd5a5a7add85 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Configuration (microsoft.appconfiguration/configurationstores) to Event Hub 8d0726a6-abae-4b04-9d2e-1f2f67a47e6d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Configuration (microsoft.appconfiguration/configurationstores) to Log Analytics 4b05de63-3ad2-4f6d-b421-da21f1328f3b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Configuration (microsoft.appconfiguration/configurationstores) to Storage 2e8a8853-917a-4d26-9c3a-c92a7fa031e8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Service (microsoft.web/sites) to Log Analytics c0d8e23a-47be-4032-961f-8b0ff3957061 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Service Environments (microsoft.web/hostingenvironments) to Event Hub 58cb2d8e-623c-4557-bb4e-0b64cb41ec55 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Service Environments (microsoft.web/hostingenvironments) to Log Analytics 9dc3e252-1cff-4ae5-bcad-5a92b7167d43 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for App Service Environments (microsoft.web/hostingenvironments) to Storage bfc6b185-2af1-4998-a32e-c0144792eeb2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application gateways ( to Event Hub 11638078-a29c-4cf3-ad7f-775f78327425 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application gateways ( to Log Analytics 92012204-a7e4-4a95-bbe5-90d0d3e12735 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application gateways ( to Storage 887d1795-3d3d-4859-9ef4-9447392db2ea Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application group (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups) to Log Analytics 3aa571d2-2e4f-4e92-8a30-4312860efbe1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application groups (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups) to Event Hub 3372b9c2-d179-4190-9f0c-e6f6304d0e93 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application groups (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups) to Log Analytics 99b3bfad-aef0-476d-ae98-40861f8eae22 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application groups (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups) to Storage 6af023b1-4841-4b54-8f3d-69caa4e558cb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application Insights (microsoft.insights/components) to Event Hub 1859cd03-7f77-495d-a0ce-336a36a6830d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application Insights (microsoft.insights/components) to Log Analytics 79494980-ea12-4ca1-8cca-317e942b6da2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application Insights (Microsoft.Insights/components) to Log Analytics (Virtual Enclaves) 244bcb20-b194-41f3-afcc-63aef382b64c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Application Insights (microsoft.insights/components) to Storage 140ad507-70f0-43cb-a7cb-a8964341aefa Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Attestation providers (microsoft.attestation/attestationproviders) to Event Hub e488a548-7afd-43a7-a903-2a6dd36e7504 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Attestation providers (microsoft.attestation/attestationproviders) to Log Analytics 856331d3-0169-4dd9-9b04-cbb2ad3d1cf2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Attestation providers (microsoft.attestation/attestationproviders) to Storage 39741c6f-5e8b-4511-bba4-6662d0e0e2ac Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Automation Accounts (microsoft.automation/automationaccounts) to Event Hub d9f11fea-dd45-46aa-8908-b7a146f1e543 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Automation Accounts (microsoft.automation/automationaccounts) to Log Analytics b797045a-b3cd-46e4-adc4-bbadb3381d78 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Automation Accounts (microsoft.automation/automationaccounts) to Storage 07c818eb-df75-4465-9233-6a8667e86670 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for AVS Private clouds (microsoft.avs/privateclouds) to Event Hub 73fb42d8-b57f-41cd-a840-8f4dedb1dd27 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for AVS Private clouds (microsoft.avs/privateclouds) to Log Analytics 69ab8bfc-dc5b-443d-93a7-7531551dec66 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for AVS Private clouds (microsoft.avs/privateclouds) to Storage 50cebe4c-8021-4f07-bcb2-6c80622444a9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure AD Domain Services (microsoft.aad/domainservices) to Event Hub 257954d9-4adf-410b-9751-3bb22fe9c180 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure AD Domain Services (microsoft.aad/domainservices) to Log Analytics 1bd91eae-4429-4f23-b780-8c9622e023e3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure AD Domain Services (microsoft.aad/domainservices) to Storage 9c79e60b-99f2-49f3-b08c-630d269bddc1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure API for FHIR (microsoft.healthcareapis/services) to Event Hub f231d9f4-9110-40eb-979e-e4eac6602be2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure API for FHIR (microsoft.healthcareapis/services) to Log Analytics e25bcb29-0412-42c3-a526-1ff794310a1e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure API for FHIR (microsoft.healthcareapis/services) to Storage 5e23caa9-3cea-4f5b-a181-ba6a3bdb91ef Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cache for Redis (microsoft.cache/redis) to Event Hub a142867f-3142-4ac6-b952-ab950a29fca5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cache for Redis (microsoft.cache/redis) to Log Analytics aec4c33f-2f2a-4fd3-91cd-24a939513c60 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cache for Redis (microsoft.cache/redis) to Storage d3e11828-02c8-40d2-a518-ad01508bb4d7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cosmos DB (microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts) to Log Analytics 45c6bfc7-4520-4d64-a158-730cd92eedbc Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cosmos DB accounts (microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts) to Event Hub 322b6192-a99b-4ab6-9b40-43ca19dcd0d9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cosmos DB accounts (microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts) to Log Analytics 68ba9fc9-71b9-4e6f-9cf5-ecc07722324c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Cosmos DB accounts (microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts) to Storage 0fcf2d91-8951-43be-9505-ab43dee2f580 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Data Explorer Clusters (microsoft.kusto/clusters) to Event Hub aaa4560d-9580-4804-a5e5-b9ffb469d49e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Data Explorer Clusters (microsoft.kusto/clusters) to Log Analytics a819f227-229d-44cb-8ad6-25becdb4451f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Data Explorer Clusters (microsoft.kusto/clusters) to Storage 2137dd9f-94ac-413f-93a8-d068966308c9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MariaDB servers (microsoft.dbformariadb/servers) to Event Hub 1aa5a06a-0cee-4598-8200-94755d500381 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MariaDB servers (microsoft.dbformariadb/servers) to Log Analytics f62b9eab-b489-4388-9874-b0a62ca31327 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MariaDB servers (microsoft.dbformariadb/servers) to Storage de5d5895-642e-4d19-a14e-08a67b2dd152 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MySQL servers (microsoft.dbformysql/servers) to Event Hub 3ec48f10-33fc-40d2-aaf2-028c4f7bbd02 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MySQL servers (microsoft.dbformysql/servers) to Log Analytics 041fdf14-0dd4-4ce0-83ff-de5456be0c85 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Database for MySQL servers (microsoft.dbformysql/servers) to Storage 605dd1c9-db6f-496f-ba7f-841ea3e246e0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Databricks Services (microsoft.databricks/workspaces) to Event Hub 6248cb7c-e485-42ad-ba20-b1ee8fba7674 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Databricks Services (microsoft.databricks/workspaces) to Log Analytics 454c7d4b-c141-43f1-8c81-975ebb15a9b5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Databricks Services (microsoft.databricks/workspaces) to Storage 50ca36f4-5306-4275-ad42-a40ca2805c77 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Digital Twins (microsoft.digitaltwins/digitaltwinsinstances) to Event Hub d16cdb9f-e2a8-4002-88f6-9eeaea1766f7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Digital Twins (microsoft.digitaltwins/digitaltwinsinstances) to Log Analytics 4c9cd884-3e45-4588-ac9d-00d44be2cbcd Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Digital Twins (microsoft.digitaltwins/digitaltwinsinstances) to Storage 1d98c506-1460-4424-9006-84210fa5214a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure FarmBeats (microsoft.agfoodplatform/farmbeats) to Event Hub a9ebdeda-251a-4311-92be-5167d73b1682 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure FarmBeats (microsoft.agfoodplatform/farmbeats) to Log Analytics f969646f-b6b8-45a0-b736-bf9b4bb933dc Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure FarmBeats (microsoft.agfoodplatform/farmbeats) to Storage 0f708273-cf83-4d29-b31b-ebaf8d0eb8c2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Load Testing (microsoft.loadtestservice/loadtests) to Event Hub 68d95589-2f07-42e3-ae6d-80a2ae3edbc4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Load Testing (microsoft.loadtestservice/loadtests) to Log Analytics 75a112bc-759f-4f29-83cc-799019db39c3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Load Testing (microsoft.loadtestservice/loadtests) to Storage 1c5187ed-9863-4961-bb92-c72bc3883e24 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Machine Learning (microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces) to Event Hub ae48c709-d2b4-4fad-8c5c-838524130aa4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Machine Learning (microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces) to Log Analytics 90c90eda-bfe7-4c67-bf26-410420ed1047 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Machine Learning (microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces) to Storage a8de4d0a-d637-4684-b70e-6df73b74d117 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Managed Grafana (microsoft.dashboard/grafana) to Event Hub f48c1843-fc88-47c1-9b01-4527c76c890a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Managed Grafana (microsoft.dashboard/grafana) to Log Analytics d98f63ed-e319-4dc3-898f-600953a05f7e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Managed Grafana (microsoft.dashboard/grafana) to Storage a78631da-8506-4113-96f4-2805de193083 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Spring Apps (microsoft.appplatform/spring) to Event Hub abb62520-ee66-4bdb-96d3-49ad98c66131 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Spring Apps (microsoft.appplatform/spring) to Log Analytics 0b6b8abb-7761-4e02-ae0e-2c873b5152ca Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Spring Apps (microsoft.appplatform/spring) to Storage 5b67d7f3-488f-42df-ab16-e38a913fcdba Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Synapse Analytics (microsoft.synapse/workspaces) to Event Hub e9b1fed8-35a2-47d0-b8aa-3834f5032862 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Synapse Analytics (microsoft.synapse/workspaces) to Log Analytics 305408ed-dd5a-43b9-80c1-9eea87a176bb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Synapse Analytics (microsoft.synapse/workspaces) to Storage 96abcdc6-3c5a-4b0f-b031-9a4c1f36c9a6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Video Indexer (microsoft.videoindexer/accounts) to Event Hub 5e6697bc-9d6d-4de9-95f9-898f130372df Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Video Indexer (microsoft.videoindexer/accounts) to Log Analytics a1a5f3c5-d01a-459c-8398-a3c9a79ad879 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Azure Video Indexer (microsoft.videoindexer/accounts) to Storage 2f6556cb-a2da-4130-a0dd-e5d05dccf9bb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Backup vaults (microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults) to Event Hub 78d285d5-f767-43f8-aa36-4616daaf9d51 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Backup vaults (microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults) to Log Analytics fea83f6c-a18a-4338-8f1f-80ecba4c5643 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Backup vaults (microsoft.dataprotection/backupvaults) to Storage 60af09fa-d167-44da-9bfc-21a49546a7b5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bastions ( to Event Hub 6b2899d8-5fdf-4ade-ba59-f1f82664877b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bastions ( to Log Analytics f8352124-56fa-4f94-9441-425109cdc14b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bastions ( to Storage be9259e2-a221-4411-84fd-dd22c6691653 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Batch accounts (microsoft.batch/batchaccounts) to Event Hub 90425e88-1eab-420c-964e-fc1dc79833a6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Batch accounts (microsoft.batch/batchaccounts) to Log Analytics 9fcae8ed-246a-407b-8f75-f3500ff2c9db Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Batch accounts (microsoft.batch/batchaccounts) to Storage 40f0d036-d73d-45a9-8c3d-f3f84d227193 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bot Services (microsoft.botservice/botservices) to Event Hub ca05d7f2-6625-4cc3-a65a-4931b45ff139 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bot Services (microsoft.botservice/botservices) to Log Analytics 415eaa04-e9db-476a-ba43-092d70ebe1e7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Bot Services (microsoft.botservice/botservices) to Storage e97f20f4-8bf0-4a35-a319-38f4144228f5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Caches (microsoft.cache/redisenterprise/databases) to Event Hub 145ff119-bfcf-443a-834c-b59859ec3ee7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Caches (microsoft.cache/redisenterprise/databases) to Log Analytics fa570aa1-acca-4eea-8e5a-233cf2c5e4c2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Caches (microsoft.cache/redisenterprise/databases) to Storage e76ef589-c7d6-42cf-a61a-13471f6f50cd Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Chaos Experiments (microsoft.chaos/experiments) to Event Hub 35806bc0-0260-4642-bae7-0ed677b3da44 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Chaos Experiments (microsoft.chaos/experiments) to Log Analytics 39078c44-b8d4-4c7d-8579-7f021d326ebf Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Chaos Experiments (microsoft.chaos/experiments) to Storage 1cd30d13-d34c-4cb8-8f9d-4692f7d40d97 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Code Signing Accounts (microsoft.codesigning/codesigningaccounts) to Event Hub 3d9b8097-326d-4675-8cff-cce4580c9208 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Code Signing Accounts (microsoft.codesigning/codesigningaccounts) to Log Analytics 958060c2-8d8e-478e-b3ec-d3d2249b461c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Code Signing Accounts (microsoft.codesigning/codesigningaccounts) to Storage 42e5ad1f-57fd-49a7-b0e4-c7a7ae25ba3d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Cognitive Services (microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts) to Event Hub 0628b917-d4b4-4af5-bc2b-b4f87cd173ab Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Cognitive Services (microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts) to Log Analytics 55d1f543-d1b0-4811-9663-d6d0dbc6326d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Cognitive Services (microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts) to Storage 14e81583-c89c-47db-af0d-f9ddddcccd9f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Communication Services (microsoft.communication/communicationservices) to Event Hub 9756f174-ca74-4d7a-a56e-7104d8a954b0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Communication Services (microsoft.communication/communicationservices) to Log Analytics acbb9698-46bd-4800-89da-e3473c4ab10d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Communication Services (microsoft.communication/communicationservices) to Storage b9c8d1de-593f-472f-b32a-7e2fe0c2374a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Connected Cache Resources (microsoft.connectedcache/ispcustomers) to Event Hub 2d8b0f41-9850-4bac-b63b-96a882a0e683 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Connected Cache Resources (microsoft.connectedcache/ispcustomers) to Log Analytics 0e4325e3-228b-40f0-83ae-9c03276858c1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Connected Cache Resources (microsoft.connectedcache/ispcustomers) to Storage 18009236-18d3-48e3-bd21-4e7630153611 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container Apps Environments ( to Event Hub 3893777a-aaf0-4b74-b08a-14ca9e5a9608 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container Apps Environments ( to Log Analytics 6a664864-e2b5-413e-b930-f11caa132f16 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container Apps Environments ( to Storage a26c842f-bee7-4a1f-9ae1-a973d3a0075a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container instances (microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups) to Event Hub 60ad0a9f-f760-45ff-ab94-4c64d7439f18 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container instances (microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups) to Log Analytics 85779c9a-7fdf-4294-937c-ded183166fa8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container instances (microsoft.containerinstance/containergroups) to Storage c600af08-49ff-4f7a-b5c9-0686749387b7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container registries (microsoft.containerregistry/registries) to Event Hub 9ba29e83-863d-4fec-81d0-16dd87067cc3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container registries (microsoft.containerregistry/registries) to Log Analytics 56288eb2-4350-461d-9ece-2bb242269dce Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Container registries (microsoft.containerregistry/registries) to Storage 106cd3bd-50a1-466c-869f-f9c2d310477b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data collection rules (microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules) to Event Hub cd0a772a-62ba-4295-8311-d6710ebe967b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data collection rules (microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules) to Log Analytics 7e87b2cc-1e49-4e07-a651-a2f38d4667ad Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data collection rules (microsoft.insights/datacollectionrules) to Storage 824142d3-eccb-4b7c-8403-319610811237 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data factories (V2) (microsoft.datafactory/factories) to Event Hub 144aa510-91a0-4de9-9800-43a7ef5e947f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data factories (V2) (microsoft.datafactory/factories) to Log Analytics 751f9297-5aae-4313-af2d-2a89226a7856 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data factories (V2) (microsoft.datafactory/factories) to Storage 271ccc7b-8334-48c5-b90b-edf37dfb2d00 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Analytics (microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts) to Event Hub d4d93413-9560-4252-a16d-b8c3bbaf5baf Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Analytics (microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts) to Log Analytics d111f33e-5cb3-414e-aec4-427e7d1080c9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Analytics (microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts) to Storage 1bd3a451-9f38-43e5-aed3-bede117c3055 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Storage Gen1 (microsoft.datalakestore/accounts) to Event Hub 621d8969-4918-45e7-954b-2fb0b42e7059 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Storage Gen1 (microsoft.datalakestore/accounts) to Log Analytics dfe69c56-9c12-4271-9e62-7607ab669582 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Lake Storage Gen1 (microsoft.datalakestore/accounts) to Storage a5385dba-3caf-43da-8804-c68174d315a7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Shares (microsoft.datashare/accounts) to Event Hub 77c56019-5c71-4d33-9ce3-7a817f2bc7fa Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Shares (microsoft.datashare/accounts) to Log Analytics ed251afd-72b1-4e41-b6c9-6614420f1207 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Data Shares (microsoft.datashare/accounts) to Storage 852877d5-b61d-4741-b649-85a324bb3fd4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dedicated SQL pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/sqlpools) to Event Hub 72d254bb-d0ed-42f2-9160-6b11b65b599c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dedicated SQL pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/sqlpools) to Log Analytics a271e156-b295-4537-b01d-09675d9e7851 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dedicated SQL pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/sqlpools) to Storage f7407db8-e40d-4efd-9fff-c61298e01fd5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dev centers (microsoft.devcenter/devcenters) to Event Hub 5305ea79-c247-456a-bdbd-dc35cef62ce1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dev centers (microsoft.devcenter/devcenters) to Log Analytics 82b076b9-2062-4516-ae4c-37b1890eabb2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Dev centers (microsoft.devcenter/devcenters) to Storage a474a6be-35da-4c8a-ae97-f97d03bbd213 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for DICOM service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/dicomservices) to Event Hub db20d5eb-782b-4c4d-b668-06816ec72c58 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for DICOM service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/dicomservices) to Log Analytics f0d25196-1ea4-49e1-ad53-ccada27b4862 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for DICOM service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/dicomservices) to Storage 3ce7ba9e-058f-4ce9-b4d6-22e6c1238904 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Endpoints (microsoft.cdn/profiles/endpoints) to Event Hub 4ce6d386-fc8e-4ac4-9bff-e5859625cea4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Endpoints (microsoft.cdn/profiles/endpoints) to Log Analytics e74570cf-1b7d-4bed-b79e-d1fd1117a39a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Endpoints (microsoft.cdn/profiles/endpoints) to Storage ee64264d-f9e3-4a0e-bbe2-db4319aeaf42 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Domains (microsoft.eventgrid/domains) to Event Hub a81eb966-6696-46b1-9153-bed01569a7d0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Domains (microsoft.eventgrid/domains) to Log Analytics b90ec596-faa6-4c61-9515-34085703e260 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Domains (microsoft.eventgrid/domains) to Storage 03a087c0-b49f-4440-9ae5-013703eccc8c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Namespaces (microsoft.eventgrid/partnernamespaces) to Event Hub f6d5d5d5-0fa9-4257-b820-69c35016c973 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Namespaces (microsoft.eventgrid/partnernamespaces) to Log Analytics 3496f6fd-57ba-485c-8a14-183c4493b781 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Namespaces (microsoft.eventgrid/partnernamespaces) to Storage f873a711-0322-4744-8322-7e62950fbec2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/partnertopics) to Event Hub 99b76532-523c-44da-8d28-3af059fd7fbb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/partnertopics) to Log Analytics e1bf4d43-542a-4410-918d-7e61c8e1ac21 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Partner Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/partnertopics) to Storage 5edd2580-3272-4509-b121-57054b4c70c4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid System Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics) to Event Hub 9cbc4c60-0db8-483c-999b-0f017a01a56b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid System Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics) to Log Analytics 0fff3e39-f422-45b0-b497-33a05b996d3e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid System Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics) to Storage 22c8a30b-c5c1-4434-b837-2772543d3c3c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/topics) to Event Hub f5094957-e0f7-4af2-9e14-13d60141dc4a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/topics) to Log Analytics 46b2dd5d-3936-4347-8908-b298ea4466d3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Grid Topics (microsoft.eventgrid/topics) to Storage fcfe6bfa-dd36-40ef-ab2b-ed46f7d4abdb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Hubs Namespaces (microsoft.eventhub/namespaces) to Event Hub 480851ae-9ff3-49d1-904c-b5bd6f83f1ec Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Hubs Namespaces (microsoft.eventhub/namespaces) to Log Analytics 441af8bf-7c88-4efc-bd24-b7be28d4acce Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Event Hubs Namespaces (microsoft.eventhub/namespaces) to Storage e20f31d7-6b6d-4644-962a-ae513a85ab0b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Experiment Workspaces (microsoft.experimentation/experimentworkspaces) to Event Hub cf6ff94d-c483-4491-976a-eb784101217a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Experiment Workspaces (microsoft.experimentation/experimentworkspaces) to Log Analytics 0ba93a1b-ac4d-4e7b-976a-548a18be1e52 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Experiment Workspaces (microsoft.experimentation/experimentworkspaces) to Storage bb7bbee6-718c-4a71-a474-9f9f0e2a55e4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for ExpressRoute circuits ( to Event Hub 93319447-e347-406b-953f-618c3b599554 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for ExpressRoute circuits ( to Log Analytics c5ecf495-6caa-445c-b431-04fda56c555a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for ExpressRoute circuits ( to Storage 2cb215be-a09b-4623-ac2f-dfc5012b1a5b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for FHIR service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/fhirservices) to Event Hub e260a121-c160-4da3-8a0f-e2c0ff6c561e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for FHIR service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/fhirservices) to Log Analytics eb2fea88-fa7b-4531-a4c1-428c618fbcc8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for FHIR service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/fhirservices) to Storage 1888f765-327a-4a8d-9816-968b34ea8b78 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Firewall ( to Log Analytics a4490248-cb97-4504-b7fb-f906afdb7437 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Firewalls ( to Event Hub 339855ce-39c1-4a70-adc9-103ea7aac99f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Firewalls ( to Log Analytics 5fcf46f9-194c-47ff-8889-380f57ae4617 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Firewalls ( to Storage 50bdafe5-c7b6-4812-af5f-75dc00561aed Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles (microsoft.cdn/profiles) to Event Hub 76539a09-021e-4300-953b-4c6018ac26dc Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles (microsoft.cdn/profiles) to Log Analytics 6201aeb7-2b5c-4671-8ab4-5d3ba4d77f3b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles (microsoft.cdn/profiles) to Storage 9f4e810a-899e-4e5e-8174-abfcf15739a3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles ( to Event Hub eb5a4c26-04cb-4ab1-81cb-726dc58df772 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles ( to Log Analytics e9c56c41-d453-4a80-af93-2331afeb3d82 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Front Door and CDN profiles ( to Storage d147ba9f-3e17-40b1-9c23-3bca478ba804 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Function App (microsoft.web/sites) to Log Analytics e9c22e0d-1f03-44da-a9d5-a9754ea53dc4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Host pool (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools) to Log Analytics 6f95136f-6544-4722-a354-25a18ddb18a7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Host pools (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools) to Event Hub 059e6dd0-544a-4c93-abad-b3ad77667339 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Host pools (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools) to Log Analytics a7c668bd-3327-474f-8fb5-8146e3e40e40 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Host pools (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools) to Storage f55ffc18-72c5-479c-a998-dc6806a6fa89 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for HPC caches (microsoft.storagecache/caches) to Event Hub 6b80a35d-1e9a-43ac-9e0b-4519ce9f09b4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for HPC caches (microsoft.storagecache/caches) to Log Analytics 3d28ea18-8e88-4160-96ff-4b6af4fd94c7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for HPC caches (microsoft.storagecache/caches) to Storage b14e31e2-22d0-48bb-907e-cfb3487e2120 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Integration accounts (microsoft.logic/integrationaccounts) to Event Hub da9b245a-05a9-4c2a-acb3-5afe62658776 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Integration accounts (microsoft.logic/integrationaccounts) to Log Analytics 1840aef8-71df-4a30-a108-efdb4f291a7f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Integration accounts (microsoft.logic/integrationaccounts) to Storage 8464ded4-af15-4319-950f-a30400d35247 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for IoT Hub (microsoft.devices/iothubs) to Event Hub dfbfceaa-14b2-4a90-a679-d169fa6a6a38 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for IoT Hub (microsoft.devices/iothubs) to Log Analytics 614d9fbd-68cd-4832-96db-3362069661b2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for IoT Hub (microsoft.devices/iothubs) to Storage 94d707a8-ce27-4851-9ce2-07dfe96a095b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Key vaults (microsoft.keyvault/vaults) to Event Hub 71153be3-4742-4aae-9aec-150f7589311b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Key vaults (microsoft.keyvault/vaults) to Log Analytics 6b359d8f-f88d-4052-aa7c-32015963ecc1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Key vaults (microsoft.keyvault/vaults) to Storage edf35972-ed56-4c2f-a4a1-65f0471ba702 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Live events ( to Event Hub 5d7409c0-fb8e-4052-9969-ef09f12fd166 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Live events ( to Log Analytics 5d487647-6a53-4839-8eb8-edccf5e6bf1d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Live events ( to Storage 17f18067-406f-49b2-84ce-d1eb66c3fc75 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Load balancers ( to Event Hub ba0ba89c-1137-407f-ae7a-19152ea7ae82 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Load balancers ( to Log Analytics 889bfebf-7428-426e-a86f-79e2a7de2f71 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Load balancers ( to Storage 3ca36b5c-2f29-41a0-9b1d-80e2cdf2d947 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Log Analytics workspaces (microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces) to Event Hub a853abad-dfa4-4bf5-aaa1-04cb10c02d23 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Log Analytics workspaces (microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces) to Log Analytics 818719e5-1338-4776-9a9d-3c31e4df5986 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Log Analytics workspaces (microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces) to Storage fe85de62-a656-4b79-9d94-d95c89319bd9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Logic apps (microsoft.logic/workflows) to Event Hub 58e22268-dacf-4b7f-b445-338a7e56d23c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Logic apps (microsoft.logic/workflows) to Log Analytics 63d1a629-735c-448b-b45f-5e3865e84cf5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Logic apps (microsoft.logic/workflows) to Storage f9431f54-4c78-47ef-aac9-2b37cbaeae75 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed CCF Apps (microsoft.confidentialledger/managedccfs) to Event Hub 8e29fe36-d794-4c55-87d6-5a206031dde2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed CCF Apps (microsoft.confidentialledger/managedccfs) to Log Analytics b6f29e6b-4b21-4bb6-a997-38592fa02864 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed CCF Apps (microsoft.confidentialledger/managedccfs) to Storage 0eb11858-8d9f-4525-b9ab-cc5eab07d27a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed databases (microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases) to Event Hub a05c2daf-be1f-4d2c-8a12-b3627d477b44 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed databases (microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases) to Log Analytics 8d42b501-dd03-449d-a070-32d1db2e546b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed databases (microsoft.sql/managedinstances/databases) to Storage bd0965d6-9544-406a-90b5-dc2d566670b8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed HSMs (microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms) to Event Hub 1abe42e1-a726-4dee-94c2-79f364dac9b7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed HSMs (microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms) to Log Analytics b88bfd90-4da5-43eb-936f-ae1481924291 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Managed HSMs (microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms) to Storage 5a6186f9-04a4-4320-b6ed-a1c3f2ebbc3b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Media Services ( to Event Hub 8d253bba-a338-4fd9-9752-6b6edadca1eb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Media Services ( to Log Analytics 69214fad-6742-49a9-8f71-ee9d269364ab Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Media Services ( to Storage 0925a080-ab8d-44a1-a39c-61e184b4d8f9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for MedTech service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/iotconnectors) to Event Hub 73baf464-93bb-450f-bda5-209c16d28dc3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for MedTech service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/iotconnectors) to Log Analytics 557c828f-aa51-40d9-868a-cff8d3982818 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for MedTech service (microsoft.healthcareapis/workspaces/iotconnectors) to Storage 5798b390-1b02-47b7-88fb-90adf07e8d1b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Microsoft Purview accounts (microsoft.purview/accounts) to Event Hub 6b4b3d79-2eeb-4612-b3d1-99ef609ffa4e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Microsoft Purview accounts (microsoft.purview/accounts) to Log Analytics 4cabf9fc-4ed1-4990-bbaf-7248fb8751bc Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Microsoft Purview accounts (microsoft.purview/accounts) to Storage fc66c506-9397-485e-9451-acc1525f0070 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.autonomousdevelopmentplatform/workspaces to Event Hub ba00f5fb-98f7-4542-b88a-16c5ce44f26a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.autonomousdevelopmentplatform/workspaces to Log Analytics 234bbd1b-05f6-4639-8770-1cd5278ba2c9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.autonomousdevelopmentplatform/workspaces to Storage 9df7e623-1f7c-47fa-9db6-777c9a3f2636 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.azuresphere/catalogs to Event Hub 8181847d-3422-4030-b815-481934740b63 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.azuresphere/catalogs to Log Analytics bbf47f27-95e4-46a0-82e1-898ce046d857 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.azuresphere/catalogs to Storage 9b6f89db-876b-4156-9f9b-f29dcf302ad2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies to Event Hub 37d5d366-8544-498a-9106-00185b29a9e3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies to Log Analytics 2fbd2ca9-e7b2-47a0-a8b2-575f3f7607d4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies to Storage 4d46b9c1-0a86-41bf-aaf2-74d0ebf8ce66 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.classicnetwork/networksecuritygroups to Event Hub 6308bf75-8340-4bab-b2ec-2f5000697af4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.classicnetwork/networksecuritygroups to Log Analytics 087dbf66-448d-4235-b7b8-17af48edc9db Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.classicnetwork/networksecuritygroups to Storage 6f7fa8b1-4456-4d4c-94c2-1f1651b18235 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub bdef6e51-210f-4dc3-87b4-eef30f2e6a17 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics 0509e2d8-d657-4563-a7c8-b88b9180a6e8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage 2eb903dd-4881-4284-a31d-4bae3f053946 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.connectedcache/enterprisemcccustomers to Event Hub ccdd9d7c-2bb6-465b-8ea1-5584b4af072e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.connectedcache/enterprisemcccustomers to Log Analytics c13b41e7-a45f-4600-96c0-18f84fb07771 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.connectedcache/enterprisemcccustomers to Storage b70d4e3a-b1d5-4432-b058-7ea0a4c02a4e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.customproviders/resourceproviders to Event Hub ec51b91e-e03d-4435-b6e7-dcaffe6ba5c0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.customproviders/resourceproviders to Log Analytics 65a1573e-cc90-412b-8db2-ba60731b0ea6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.customproviders/resourceproviders to Storage 7646801f-46d5-48d0-9e18-efb884944f3e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.d365customerinsights/instances to Event Hub f3977509-4420-4dfa-b1c9-2ab38dfd530f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.d365customerinsights/instances to Log Analytics 167dbbbc-a03a-4ebe-8e46-c34cc67f7d9d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.d365customerinsights/instances to Storage 4c67a1c0-8e77-4f4b-b572-5c11695aae2d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers to Event Hub be3ddb6b-c328-4ecd-91e8-c2804868ea9c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers to Log Analytics 7860f3fe-0db3-42d4-bf3d-7042ea5e5787 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers to Storage 95f9d29c-defd-4387-b73b-5cdb4a982bf0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers to Event Hub bd0079c6-6f2d-42f4-9cee-e23930968f10 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers to Log Analytics 5fbd326d-328c-414e-a922-2d6963998962 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers to Storage 499b7900-f44e-40ea-b8d3-2f3cf75f2ca4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroupsv2 to Event Hub e1598217-5ff1-4978-b51d-f0238e100019 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroupsv2 to Log Analytics 84509667-1a94-4255-9e5f-b479075c1069 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroupsv2 to Storage a972fe34-7882-4476-87cf-eb9631785fb5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers to Event Hub 3d7d0cc7-bd72-4f41-bf55-0be57faa3883 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers to Log Analytics bbdbb83b-cbfe-49f7-b7d1-1126630a68b7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers to Storage 69d4fcec-8426-426a-ad48-439fd3b14e9e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.devices/provisioningservices to Event Hub 13bf624e-fe24-40f0-9a7c-066e28a50871 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.devices/provisioningservices to Log Analytics 041e904a-33e5-45fd-b3f6-4ac95f1f8761 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.devices/provisioningservices to Storage 3534c358-8a1c-4601-b6ff-43d378d65efa Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/cassandraclusters to Event Hub c1c0dd3c-6354-4265-a88b-801f84649944 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/cassandraclusters to Log Analytics ae0fc3d3-c9ce-43e8-923a-a143db56d81e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/cassandraclusters to Storage 0bb5a1fb-b1ad-45fd-880e-a590f2ec8d1c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/mongoclusters to Event Hub d8a9593e-791e-4fd7-9b22-a75b76e5de17 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/mongoclusters to Log Analytics 064a3695-3197-4354-816b-65c7b952db9e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.documentdb/mongoclusters to Storage 10e8c93c-658d-47e8-aa6f-ed60f329c060 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings to Event Hub ac27709a-8e3a-4abf-8122-877af1dd9209 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings to Log Analytics 30499756-47d6-493c-9e57-ee3db2d9fa96 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings to Storage 7806c8b4-afc9-4a35-b9a9-3707413df35e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/registries to Event Hub 12000b3e-e38b-4bef-9098-38785f06ea32 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/registries to Log Analytics 33835ef6-bc67-4bde-bf5f-5a857f195a57 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/registries to Storage 84d8a69f-788a-4025-ba96-f36406cc9ee5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces/onlineendpoints to Event Hub cc789f91-3e63-4cfb-86f4-87565055f269 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces/onlineendpoints to Log Analytics 5cfb9e8a-2f13-40bd-a527-c89bc596d299 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces/onlineendpoints to Storage 315c965f-c0d7-4397-86d3-c05a0981437a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.managednetworkfabric/networkdevices to Event Hub adeec880-527c-4def-a2bf-3053be70eef8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.managednetworkfabric/networkdevices to Log Analytics d7d59290-3ee5-4c1b-b408-c38b21799aea Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.managednetworkfabric/networkdevices to Storage a511ca63-0a10-46e3-960b-bb6431e9e1a3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub 0fdc6116-c747-449c-b9cc-330fcd4c5c9c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics dc1b5908-da05-4eed-a988-c5e32fdb682d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage b79bf56e-c296-4829-afea-6ac9263e7687 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub a08af17e-c2a3-478e-a819-94839ef02b32 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics 6ee1c58c-a123-4cd6-8643-48b2f7ffb3e1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage 28e2d787-b5f4-43cf-8cb7-11b54773d379 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub 20a921eb-1c4b-4bb7-a78f-6653ad293dba Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics 0ebe872d-7029-4292-88bc-ad3e2cf3772f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage 83089e56-9675-4bc8-ae7d-ca4547dc764b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub b9b976cc-59ef-468a-807e-19afa2ebfd52 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics cac9e1c5-c3cb-47fa-8d4c-88b8559262d2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage 00ec9865-beb6-4cfd-82ed-bd8f50756acd Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Event Hub ca09affa-60d6-4cef-9037-b7372e1ac44f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Log Analytics d8624de8-47fe-47c0-bea0-2d8329b628fe Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for to Storage e0f5ec01-8979-49bf-9fd7-2a4eff9fa8e0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkanalytics/dataproducts to Event Hub 5360664a-5821-4f43-8988-3f0ed8f3f8a5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkanalytics/dataproducts to Log Analytics 0e861bb0-d926-4cdb-b2d6-d59336b8f5b3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkanalytics/dataproducts to Storage aa78af66-1659-40aa-90b0-b35b616adbdc Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/baremetalmachines to Event Hub 0dac4c0b-0ca4-4c6e-9a09-61917873b3b0 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/baremetalmachines to Log Analytics a9725bd4-a2ad-479f-a29b-5e163cada399 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/baremetalmachines to Storage e6421995-539a-4ce3-854b-1c88534396cf Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/clusters to Event Hub 64948b6b-409d-4af2-970f-3b80fea408c1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/clusters to Log Analytics 63a8eb0d-f030-4bc6-a1e4-6998f23aa160 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/clusters to Storage b9d3f759-4cda-43cf-8f64-5b01aeb1c21a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/storageappliances to Event Hub 0b726841-c441-44ed-a2cc-d321e3be3ed7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/storageappliances to Log Analytics 4f925033-4d52-4619-909c-9c47a687dc51 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkcloud/storageappliances to Storage 005380e0-1f5b-467a-8ae8-8519938627f9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkfunction/azuretrafficcollectors to Event Hub a6dd4d00-283d-4765-b3d1-44ace2ccacda Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkfunction/azuretrafficcollectors to Log Analytics 60579569-3633-42cb-ae6a-195080bf310d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.networkfunction/azuretrafficcollectors to Storage 50d96640-65c9-42de-b79a-95c1890c6ec8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs to Event Hub 5a69fd36-760e-4a65-a621-836f1159e304 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs to Log Analytics 54c7cff6-a032-43e1-9656-d4c24665f805 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces/notificationhubs to Storage ebd6e41f-c33e-4e16-9249-cee4c68e6e8c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.openenergyplatform/energyservices to Event Hub 8af74447-9495-4245-8e49-f74723dcd231 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.openenergyplatform/energyservices to Log Analytics 14ed86b4-ea45-4b1b-98a5-eb8f5f7da726 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.openenergyplatform/energyservices to Storage 3c25d50c-bd5a-4f98-a0de-2495e000cfa7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.powerbi/tenants/workspaces to Event Hub 76e7a3b8-3822-4ca2-92d8-c20616fd870b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.powerbi/tenants/workspaces to Log Analytics fc2bb2e1-739a-4a03-86a2-16ad55e90bd9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.powerbi/tenants/workspaces to Storage 819c6fd1-432a-4516-a9cb-0c4462af610f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.servicenetworking/trafficcontrollers to Event Hub 2308e22a-85e9-431d-8c47-36072dfa64b5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.servicenetworking/trafficcontrollers to Log Analytics d3abca82-2ae2-4707-bf5e-cfc765ce9ff1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.servicenetworking/trafficcontrollers to Storage 116b1633-30d0-4e9a-a665-8aea3dc906c6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.synapse/workspaces/kustopools to Event Hub 63f9b4b2-de99-4b16-ad94-1a5464ac4f7d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.synapse/workspaces/kustopools to Log Analytics 887dc342-c6bd-418b-9407-ab0e27deba36 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.synapse/workspaces/kustopools to Storage 5a1fa110-16bc-49d0-a045-29a552b67cef Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments to Event Hub a21ac20a-4dd3-40e9-8036-b3351ecf9319 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments to Log Analytics 068e22bd-8057-466b-9642-7cd2ca476158 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments to Storage 20017523-2fd1-49a8-a766-79cbc572b827 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments/eventsources to Event Hub 02f64cac-bab0-4950-bb95-51f2d3970efa Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments/eventsources to Log Analytics a83fcddb-39d0-4c21-af38-76d2c935c3ca Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments/eventsources to Storage 8963c37c-1113-4f1b-ae2e-3a5dd960a7f1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances to Event Hub ffe49e3d-50dd-4137-8fe5-6877c4384b69 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances to Log Analytics 1568dd08-cca0-4073-bfd8-e08a7fdc543e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances to Storage 5164fdc7-cfcd-4bd8-a3e9-f4be93166cde Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network Managers ( to Event Hub c29fe1b2-c0b0-4d92-a988-84b484801707 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network Managers ( to Log Analytics 23673f24-2594-43e9-9983-60a0be21bd76 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network Managers ( to Storage 82333640-495e-4249-92bb-2a5e2d07b964 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network security groups ( to Event Hub 601e350d-405c-41d0-a886-72c283f8fab2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network security groups ( to Log Analytics baa4c6de-b7cf-4b12-b436-6e40ef44c8cb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Network security groups ( to Storage 0120ef84-66e7-4faf-aad8-14c36389697e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Notification Hub Namespaces (microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces) to Event Hub 4891dace-710e-40bd-b81f-6a0b9871b50b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Notification Hub Namespaces (microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces) to Log Analytics 69e0da8f-ca50-479d-b1a8-33a31426c512 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Notification Hub Namespaces (microsoft.notificationhubs/namespaces) to Storage 0983eb33-77d7-47e5-9fa7-879f8cea012e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Playwright Testing (microsoft.azureplaywrightservice/accounts) to Event Hub e2526c67-0363-4da9-96f8-a95d746cf60b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Playwright Testing (microsoft.azureplaywrightservice/accounts) to Log Analytics 81039988-1f84-4aa6-8039-0a64c2a301b4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Playwright Testing (microsoft.azureplaywrightservice/accounts) to Storage 2e3285f9-ae82-4f69-b83f-5b6f1ee69f3a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for PostgreSQL flexible server (microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers) to Log Analytics cdd1dbc6-0004-4fcd-afd7-b67550de37ff Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Power BI Embedded (microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities) to Event Hub 668e9597-4ccc-452f-80be-e9dd5b2ab897 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Power BI Embedded (microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities) to Log Analytics 7a8afaba-cc24-4306-b83f-d178f1a10ba2 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Power BI Embedded (microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities) to Storage 116caf13-2666-4a2e-afca-9a5f1e671b11 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP addresses ( to Event Hub fc602c00-2ce3-4556-b615-fa4159517103 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP addresses ( to Log Analytics 1513498c-3091-461a-b321-e9b433218d28 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP addresses ( to Storage 39aa567d-69c2-4cc0-aaa9-76c6d4006b14 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP Prefixes ( to Event Hub 2cc39a57-5106-4d41-b872-55c2b9d7b729 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP Prefixes ( to Log Analytics b55f2e8e-dc76-4262-a0e3-45f02200ff0e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Public IP Prefixes ( to Storage a2361fd4-721d-4be2-9910-53be250b99ad Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Recovery Services vaults (microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults) to Event Hub e92686fd-65f0-420f-a52b-7da14f3cef90 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Recovery Services vaults (microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults) to Log Analytics 2f4d1c08-3695-41a7-a0a0-8db4a0e25233 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Recovery Services vaults (microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults) to Storage b678d84d-9723-4df0-a131-82c730231f1e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Relays (microsoft.relay/namespaces) to Event Hub 34705075-71e2-480c-a9cb-6e9387f47f0f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Relays (microsoft.relay/namespaces) to Log Analytics 56ae9f08-b8c9-4a0f-8f58-5dbcd63bef84 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Relays (microsoft.relay/namespaces) to Storage 2853b2ac-3ce0-4e51-a1e3-086591e7028a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Scaling plans (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/scalingplans) to Event Hub dcb324b0-3bfa-4df4-b476-64122bde219e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Scaling plans (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/scalingplans) to Log Analytics 8ea88471-98e1-47e4-9f63-838c990ba2f4 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Scaling plans (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/scalingplans) to Storage e9e99d63-621a-4a33-8799-0fb53e43f162 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SCOPE pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/scopepools) to Event Hub a12e0815-0735-48d9-b5b3-8a3b60a85b86 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SCOPE pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/scopepools) to Log Analytics f018b68f-d953-4238-81a3-94a0f39507e3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SCOPE pools (microsoft.synapse/workspaces/scopepools) to Storage 9dbcaaa7-0c1b-4861-81c2-d340661b4382 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Search services ( to Event Hub 971199b6-1971-4d3e-85b0-fa7639044679 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Search services ( to Log Analytics 8def4bdd-4362-4ed6-a26f-7bf8f2c58839 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Search services ( to Storage 480ee186-7504-48ac-b64e-af38673aa2c6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Service Bus Namespaces (microsoft.servicebus/namespaces) to Event Hub e7c86682-34c1-488a-9aab-9cb279207992 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Service Bus Namespaces (microsoft.servicebus/namespaces) to Log Analytics 0277b2d5-6e6f-4d97-9929-a5c4eab56fd7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Service Bus Namespaces (microsoft.servicebus/namespaces) to Storage 3dd58519-427e-42a4-8ffc-e415a3c716f1 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SignalR (microsoft.signalrservice/signalr) to Event Hub fc744b31-a930-4eb5-bc06-e81f98bf7214 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SignalR (microsoft.signalrservice/signalr) to Log Analytics 93a604fe-0ec2-4a99-ab8c-7ef08f05555a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SignalR (microsoft.signalrservice/signalr) to Storage 0e0c742d-5031-4e65-bf96-1bee7cf55740 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL databases (microsoft.sql/servers/databases) to Event Hub 9e6aee71-3781-4acd-bba7-aac4fb067dfa Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL databases (microsoft.sql/servers/databases) to Log Analytics 6567d3f3-42d0-4cfb-9606-9741ba60fa07 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL databases (microsoft.sql/servers/databases) to Storage 8656d368-0643-4374-a63f-ae0ed4da1d9a Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL managed instances (microsoft.sql/managedinstances) to Event Hub 5f6f2aba-e57f-42ed-9aeb-ffa7321a56db Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL managed instances (microsoft.sql/managedinstances) to Log Analytics 8fc4ca5f-6abc-4b30-9565-0bd91ac49420 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for SQL managed instances (microsoft.sql/managedinstances) to Storage 40654dcd-0b26-49d6-aeaf-d12d7c1e8c4d Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Storage movers (microsoft.storagemover/storagemovers) to Event Hub 08240c20-e48f-47d9-9305-2a8c4da75a3e Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Storage movers (microsoft.storagemover/storagemovers) to Log Analytics e99ab54f-260e-4925-a70f-8fe0a92443ef Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Storage movers (microsoft.storagemover/storagemovers) to Storage efa9bf93-28f9-4f05-8e8c-31b8875e9713 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Stream Analytics jobs (microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs) to Event Hub 590b6105-4715-4e8b-8049-c5a4ae07d8e9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Stream Analytics jobs (microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs) to Log Analytics 2453e322-a7e5-4905-ba1e-ac6ea60ff808 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Stream Analytics jobs (microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs) to Storage 9529ceaf-8c7e-4149-bcb6-f38f63c5e4bd Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Streaming Endpoints ( to Event Hub 944eae3e-6b16-4864-86e1-1b23d58386d5 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Streaming Endpoints ( to Log Analytics be26ca28-761d-4538-b78a-975eb47c680c Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Streaming Endpoints ( to Storage f48e8ce0-91bd-4d51-8aba-8990d942f999 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Traffic Manager profiles ( to Event Hub 2db34cad-25ef-48e3-a787-c2cd36434cd7 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Traffic Manager profiles ( to Log Analytics 1118afbc-c48d-43ae-931a-87b38956d40b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Traffic Manager profiles ( to Storage 14681907-c749-4d60-8eae-1038537fb8a3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Video Analyzers ( to Event Hub 792f8b74-dc05-44fd-b90d-340a097b80e6 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Video Analyzers ( to Log Analytics 34c7546c-d637-4b5d-96ab-93fb6ed07af8 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Video Analyzers ( to Storage f08edf17-5de2-4966-8c62-a50a3f4368ff Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual network gateways ( to Event Hub 6ccd32f6-0a9a-40cf-9c5b-6cfd6aba33e9 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual network gateways ( to Log Analytics ed6ae75a-828f-4fea-88fd-dead1145f1dd Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual network gateways ( to Storage b4a9c220-1d62-4163-a17b-30db7d5b7278 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual networks ( to Event Hub 40ce1496-89c2-40cf-80e5-3c4687d2ee4b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual networks ( to Log Analytics 3234ff41-8bec-40a3-b5cb-109c95f1c8ce Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Virtual networks ( to Storage 8d0e693f-1b54-41d1-880e-199c3caed23f Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Volumes (microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts/capacitypools/volumes) to Event Hub a285df35-0164-4f4d-9e04-c39056742c55 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Volumes (microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts/capacitypools/volumes) to Log Analytics c3b912c2-7f5b-47ac-bd52-8c85a7667961 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Volumes (microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts/capacitypools/volumes) to Storage 20f21bc7-b0b8-4d57-83df-5a8a0912b934 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Web PubSub Service (microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub) to Event Hub 3d034ef2-001c-46f6-a47b-e6e4a74ff89b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Web PubSub Service (microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub) to Log Analytics 0da6faeb-d6c6-4f6e-9f49-06277493270b Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Web PubSub Service (microsoft.signalrservice/webpubsub) to Storage bf6af3d2-fbd5-458f-8a40-2556cf539b45 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Workspace (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces) to Log Analytics 6bb23bce-54ea-4d3d-b07d-628ce0f2e4e3 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Workspaces (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces) to Event Hub b4545446-0cac-4af5-b591-61544b66e802 Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Workspaces (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces) to Log Analytics 867c08d5-bc47-404d-9a1b-0aec7a8d34eb Monitoring GA
Enable logging by category group for Workspaces (microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces) to Storage e6acdfc4-25e3-4b36-9b0c-5c5743edd1b7 Monitoring GA
Public IP addresses should have resource logs enabled for Azure DDoS Protection 752154a7-1e0f-45c6-a880-ac75a7e4f648 Monitoring GA
Condition none