last sync: 2024-Nov-01 18:49:42 UTC

Virtual Machine Contributor

Azure BuiltIn RBAC Role definition

NameVirtual Machine Contributor
DescriptionLets you manage virtual machines, but not access to them, and not the virtual network or storage account they're connected to.
CreatedOn2015-06-02 00:18:27 UTC
UpdatedOn2021-11-11 20:13:58 UTC
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change Change detail
2021-10-01 15:34:12 change: Actions Actions: 'add Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/*'
2021-08-19 16:32:19 change: Actions Actions: 'add Microsoft.SerialConsole/serialPorts/connect/action'
Permissions summary Effective control plane and data plane operations: 363 (unique operations)
•: 1
•action: 139
•delete: 21
•read: 170
•write: 32

Actions: 43
Resolved control plane operations from Actions: 363
Effective control plane operations: 363
•: 1
•action: 139
•delete: 21
•read: 170
•write: 32

NotActions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from NotActions: 0
Effective denied control plane operations: 15770

DataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations: 0
Effective data plane operations: 0

NotDataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations from NotDataActions: 0
Effective denied data plane operations: 3242
Operation Description
Microsoft.Authorization/*/readwildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Compute/disks/deleteDeletes the Disk
Microsoft.Compute/disks/readGet the properties of a Disk
Microsoft.Compute/disks/writeCreates a new Disk or updates an existing one
Microsoft.Compute/locations/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/backendAddressPools/join/actionJoins an application gateway backend address pool. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools/join/actionJoins a load balancer backend address pool. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatPools/join/actionJoins a load balancer inbound NAT pool. Not alertable.
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules/join/actionJoins a load balancer inbound nat rule. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes/join/actionAllows using probes of a load balancer. For example, with this permission healthProbe property of VM scale set can reference the probe. Not alertable.
Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/readGets a load balancer definition
Microsoft.Network/locations/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/join/actionJoins a network security group. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/readGets a network security group definition
Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/join/actionJoins a public ip address. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/readGets a public ip address definition.
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/readGet the virtual network definition
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/actionJoins a virtual network. Not Alertable.
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/locations/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupFabrics/backupProtectionIntent/writeCreate a backup Protection Intent
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/*/readwildcarded / no description
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/readReturns object details of the Protected Item
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems/writeCreate a backup Protected Item
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupPolicies/readReturns all Protection Policies
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/backupPolicies/writeCreates Protection Policy
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/readThe Get Vault operation gets an object representing the Azure resource of type 'vault'
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/usages/readRead any Vault Usages
Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults/writeCreate Vault operation creates an Azure resource of type 'vault'
Microsoft.ResourceHealth/availabilityStatuses/readGets the availability statuses for all resources in the specified scope
Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/readGets or lists resource groups.
Microsoft.SerialConsole/serialPorts/connect/actionConnect to a serial port
Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/listKeys/actionReturns the access keys for the specified storage account.
Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/readReturns the list of storage accounts or gets the properties for the specified storage account.
Microsoft.Support/*wildcarded / no description
NotActions n/a
DataActions n/a
NotDataActions n/a
Used in
BuiltIn Policy
Policy DisplayName Policy Id Category State
[Preview]: Configure ChangeTracking Extension for Linux virtual machine scale sets 1288c8d7-4b05-4e3a-bc88-9053caefc021 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure ChangeTracking Extension for Windows virtual machine scale sets 4bb303db-d051-4099-95d2-e3e1428a4d2c Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure Linux VMSS to install AMA for ChangeTracking and Inventory with user-assigned managed identity b73e81f3-6303-48ad-9822-b69fc00c15ef ChangeTrackingAndInventory Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux virtual machine scale sets to automatically install the Azure Security agent 6654c8c4-e6f8-43f8-8869-54327af7ce32 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux virtual machine scale sets to automatically install the Guest Attestation extension 57c2e3f0-98cf-4c3b-aa6b-e8f70726e74e Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux virtual machines to automatically enable Secure Boot 95406fc3-1f69-47b0-8105-4c03b276ec5c Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux virtual machines to automatically install the Azure Security agent 5f8eb305-9c9f-4abe-9bb0-df220d9faba2 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Linux virtual machines to automatically install the Guest Attestation extension 6074e9a3-c711-4856-976d-24d51f9e065b Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported virtual machines to automatically enable vTPM e494853f-93c3-4e44-9210-d12f61a64b34 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows machines to automatically install the Azure Security agent 1537496a-b1e8-482b-a06a-1cc2415cdc7b Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows virtual machine scale sets to automatically install the Azure Security agent 808a7dc4-49f2-4e7b-af75-d14e561c244a Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows virtual machine scale sets to automatically install the Guest Attestation extension c9b2ae08-09e2-4f0e-bb43-b60bf0135bdf Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows virtual machines to automatically enable Secure Boot 7cb1b219-61c6-47e0-b80c-4472cadeeb5f Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure supported Windows virtual machines to automatically install the Guest Attestation extension 98ea2fc7-6fc6-4fd1-9d8d-6331154da071 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure system-assigned managed identity to enable Azure Monitor assignments on VMs 17b3de92-f710-4cf4-aa55-0e7859f1ed7b Monitoring Preview
[Preview]: Configure VMs created with Shared Image Gallery images to install the Guest Attestation extension 496e010e-fa91-4c00-be4b-92b481f67b58 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure VMSS created with Shared Image Gallery images to install the Guest Attestation extension 009259b0-12e8-42c9-94e7-7af86aa58d13 Security Center Preview
[Preview]: Configure Windows VMSS to install AMA for ChangeTracking and Inventory with user-assigned managed identity 4485d24b-a9d3-4206-b691-1fad83bc5007 ChangeTrackingAndInventory Preview
Configure backup on virtual machines with a given tag to a new recovery services vault with a default policy 83644c87-93dd-49fe-bf9f-6aff8fd0834e Backup GA
Configure backup on virtual machines with a given tag to an existing recovery services vault in the same location 345fa903-145c-4fe1-8bcd-93ec2adccde8 Backup GA
Configure backup on virtual machines without a given tag to a new recovery services vault with a default policy 98d0b9f8-fd90-49c9-88e2-d3baf3b0dd86 Backup GA
Configure backup on virtual machines without a given tag to an existing recovery services vault in the same location 09ce66bc-1220-4153-8104-e3f51c936913 Backup GA
Configure ChangeTracking Extension for Linux virtual machines ec88097d-843f-4a92-8471-78016d337ba4 Security Center GA
Configure ChangeTracking Extension for Windows virtual machines f08f556c-12ff-464d-a7de-40cb5b6cccec Security Center GA
Configure Linux virtual machine scale sets to run Azure Monitor Agent with system-assigned managed identity-based authentication 56a3e4f8-649b-4fac-887e-5564d11e8d3a Monitoring GA
Configure Linux virtual machine scale sets to run Azure Monitor Agent with user-assigned managed identity-based authentication 59c3d93f-900b-4827-a8bd-562e7b956e7c Monitoring GA
Configure Linux virtual machines to run Azure Monitor Agent with system-assigned managed identity-based authentication a4034bc6-ae50-406d-bf76-50f4ee5a7811 Monitoring GA
Configure Linux virtual machines to run Azure Monitor Agent with user-assigned managed identity-based authentication ae8a10e6-19d6-44a3-a02d-a2bdfc707742 Monitoring GA
Configure Linux VMs to install AMA for ChangeTracking and Inventory with user-assigned managed identity 56d0ed2b-60fc-44bf-af81-a78c851b5fe1 ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Configure SQL Virtual Machines to automatically install Azure Monitor Agent f91991d1-5383-4c95-8ee5-5ac423dd8bb1 Security Center GA
Configure Windows virtual machine scale sets to run Azure Monitor Agent using system-assigned managed identity 4efbd9d8-6bc6-45f6-9be2-7fe9dd5d89ff Monitoring GA
Configure Windows virtual machine scale sets to run Azure Monitor Agent with user-assigned managed identity-based authentication 98569e20-8f32-4f31-bf34-0e91590ae9d3 Monitoring GA
Configure Windows virtual machines to run Azure Monitor Agent using system-assigned managed identity ca817e41-e85a-4783-bc7f-dc532d36235e Monitoring GA
Configure Windows virtual machines to run Azure Monitor Agent with user-assigned managed identity-based authentication 637125fd-7c39-4b94-bb0a-d331faf333a9 Monitoring GA
Configure Windows VMs to install AMA for ChangeTracking and Inventory with user-assigned managed identity ad1eeff9-20d7-4c82-a04e-903acab0bfc1 ChangeTrackingAndInventory GA
Deploy - Configure Dependency agent to be enabled on Windows virtual machine scale sets 3be22e3b-d919-47aa-805e-8985dbeb0ad9 Monitoring GA
Deploy - Configure Log Analytics extension to be enabled on Windows virtual machine scale sets 3c1b3629-c8f8-4bf6-862c-037cb9094038 Monitoring GA
Deploy default Microsoft IaaSAntimalware extension for Windows Server 2835b622-407b-4114-9198-6f7064cbe0dc Compute GA
Deploy Dependency agent for Linux virtual machine scale sets 765266ab-e40e-4c61-bcb2-5a5275d0b7c0 Monitoring GA
Deploy Dependency agent for Linux virtual machine scale sets with Azure Monitoring Agent settings 2fea0c12-e7d4-4e03-b7bf-c34b2b8d787d Monitoring GA
Deploy Dependency agent to be enabled on Windows virtual machine scale sets with Azure Monitoring Agent settings af0082fd-fa58-4349-b916-b0e47abb0935 Monitoring GA
Deploy Log Analytics extension for Linux virtual machine scale sets. See deprecation notice below 5ee9e9ed-0b42-41b7-8c9c-3cfb2fbe2069 Monitoring GA
Condition none