last sync: 2025-Jan-17 20:27:48 UTC

Health Bot Editor

Azure BuiltIn RBAC Role definition

NameHealth Bot Editor
DescriptionUsers with editor access can sign in, view and edit all the bot resources, scenarios and configuration setting except for the bot instance keys & secrets and the end-user inputs (including Feedback, Unrecognized utterances and Conversation logs). A read-only access to the bot skills and channels.
CreatedOn2024-02-28 16:09:25 UTC
UpdatedOn2024-02-28 16:09:25 UTC
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change Change detail
2024-02-29 19:39:33 add: Role af854a69-80ce-4ff7-8447-f1118a2e0ca8
Permissions summary Effective control plane and data plane operations: 1 (unique operations)
•Action: 1

Actions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from Actions: 0
Effective control plane operations: 0

NotActions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from NotActions: 0
Effective denied control plane operations: 16231

DataActions: 1
Resolved data plane operations: 1
Effective data plane operations: 1
•Action: 1

NotDataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations from NotDataActions: 0
Effective denied data plane operations: 3311
Actions n/a
NotActions n/a
Operation Description
Microsoft.HealthBot/healthBots/Editor/ActionSign in to the management portal, view and edit all the bot resources, scenarios and configuration settings except for the bot instance keys & secrets and the end-user inputs. Read-only access to the bot skills and channels.
NotDataActions n/a
Used in
BuiltIn Policy
Condition none