last sync: 2025-Jan-23 19:27:52 UTC

Azure Batch Service Orchestration Role

Azure BuiltIn RBAC Role definition

NameAzure Batch Service Orchestration Role
DescriptionGrants the required permissions to Azure Batch Resource Provider to manage compute and other backing resources in the subscription.
CreatedOn2024-09-20 04:53:47 UTC
UpdatedOn2024-09-20 04:53:47 UTC
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change Change detail
2024-09-23 17:50:57 add: Role a35466a1-cfd6-450a-b35e-683fcdf30363
Permissions summary Effective control plane and data plane operations: 48 (unique operations)
•: 1
•action: 15
•delete: 6
•read: 20
•write: 6

Actions: 33
Resolved control plane operations from Actions: 48
Effective control plane operations: 48
•: 1
•action: 15
•delete: 6
•read: 20
•write: 6

NotActions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from NotActions: 0
Effective denied control plane operations: 16154

DataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations: 0
Effective data plane operations: 0

NotDataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations from NotDataActions: 0
Effective denied data plane operations: 3318
Operation Description
Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/deleteDeletes all compute resources of Azure Fleet resource
Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/readGet properties of Azure Fleet resource
Microsoft.AzureFleet/fleets/writeCreates a new Azure Fleet resource or updates an existing one
Microsoft.Compute/locations/DiskOperations/readGets the status of an asynchronous Disk operation
Microsoft.Compute/locations/operations/readGets the status of an asynchronous operation
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/approveRollingUpgrade/actionApproves deferred rolling upgrades for the instances of a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/deallocate/actionPowers off and releases the compute resources for the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/deleteDeletes the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/delete/actionDeletes the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/extensions/readGets the properties of a Virtual Machine Scale Set Extension
microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/networkInterfaces/readGet properties of all network interfaces of a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachineScaleSets/readGet the properties of a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/reimage/actionReimages the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/reimageall/actionReimages all disks (OS Disk and Data Disks) for the instances of a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/restart/actionRestarts the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/start/actionStarts the instances of the Virtual Machine Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines/readRetrieves the properties of a Virtual Machine in a VM Scale Set
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualmachines/restart/actionRestarts a Virtual Machine instance in a VM Scale Set.
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/writeCreates a new Virtual Machine Scale Set or updates an existing one
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRuleAssociations/readRead a resource's association with a data collection rule
Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/readRead a resource diagnostic setting
Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/readGet the network watcher definition
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/deleteDeletes a virtual network
Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/writeCreates a virtual network or updates an existing virtual network
Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*wildcarded / no description
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/operationresults/readGet the subscription operation results.
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/readGets the list of subscriptions.
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/deleteDeletes a resource group and all its resources.
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/readGets or lists resource groups.
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/resources/readGets the resources for the resource group.
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/writeCreates or updates a resource group.
Microsoft.Security/assessments/readGet security assessments on your subscription
NotActions n/a
DataActions n/a
NotDataActions n/a
Used in
BuiltIn Policy
Condition none