last sync: 2025-Jan-17 20:27:48 UTC

Compute Gallery Sharing Admin

Azure BuiltIn RBAC Role definition

NameCompute Gallery Sharing Admin
DescriptionThis role allows user to share gallery to another subscription/tenant or share it to the public.
CreatedOn2022-03-10 04:36:08 UTC
UpdatedOn2022-03-26 00:40:55 UTC
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change Change detail
2022-03-28 17:59:08 add: Role 1ef6a3be-d0ac-425d-8c01-acb62866290b
Permissions summary Effective control plane and data plane operations: 1 (unique operations)
•action: 1

Actions: 1
Resolved control plane operations from Actions: 1
Effective control plane operations: 1
•action: 1

NotActions: 0
Resolved control plane operations from NotActions: 0
Effective denied control plane operations: 16230

DataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations: 0
Effective data plane operations: 0

NotDataActions: 0
Resolved data plane operations from NotDataActions: 0
Effective denied data plane operations: 3312
Operation Description
Microsoft.Compute/galleries/share/actionShares a Gallery to different scopes
NotActions n/a
DataActions n/a
NotDataActions n/a
Used in
BuiltIn Policy
Condition none