last sync: 2025-Feb-10 21:12:28 UTC

Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances

Azure BuiltIn Policy Initiative (PolicySet)

Source Azure Portal
Display nameConfigure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 1
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
CategorySecurity Center
Microsoft Learn
DescriptionEnable Azure Defender on your SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances to detect anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases.
Cloud environmentsAzureCloud = true
AzureChinaCloud = unknown
AzureUSGovernment = unknown
Available in AzUSGovUnknown, no evidence if Policy definition is/not available in AzureUSGovernment
Policy count Total Policies: 3
Builtin Policies: 3
Static Policies: 0
Policy used
Policy DisplayName Policy Id Category Effect Roles# Roles State policy in AzUSGov
Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL managed instances c5a62eb0-c65a-4220-8a4d-f70dd4ca95dd SQL Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
1 SQL Security Manager GA unknown
Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL servers 36d49e87-48c4-4f2e-beed-ba4ed02b71f5 SQL Fixed
1 SQL Security Manager GA unknown
Configure Microsoft Defender for SQL to be enabled on Synapse workspaces 951c1558-50a5-4ca3-abb6-a93e3e2367a6 Security Center Default
DeployIfNotExists, Disabled
1 SQL Security Manager GA unknown
Roles used Total Roles usage: 3
Total Roles unique usage: 1
Role Role Id Policies count Policies
SQL Security Manager 056cd41c-7e88-42e1-933e-88ba6a50c9c3 3 Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL managed instances, Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL servers, Configure Microsoft Defender for SQL to be enabled on Synapse workspaces
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Changes
2022-09-09 16:35:25 add Policy Configure Microsoft Defender for SQL to be enabled on Synapse workspaces (951c1558-50a5-4ca3-abb6-a93e3e2367a6)
Version change: '2.0.1' to '3.0.0'
2022-07-27 16:33:05 Version change: '2.0.0' to '2.0.1'
2021-08-12 19:47:01 add Policy Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL managed instances (c5a62eb0-c65a-4220-8a4d-f70dd4ca95dd)
Name change: '[Preview]: Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances' to 'Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances'
2021-08-11 15:29:42 Description change: 'Enable data protection for SQL servers. This initiative is assigned automatically by Azure Security Center Standard Tier.' to 'Enable Azure Defender on your SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances to detect anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases.'
Name change: '[Preview]: Enable Data Protection Suite' to '[Preview]: Configure Azure Defender to be enabled on SQL Servers and SQL Managed Instances'
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: