last sync: 2025-Feb-10 21:12:28 UTC

Disk encryption should be enabled on Azure Data Explorer

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Disk encryption should be enabled on Azure Data Explorer
Id f4b53539-8df9-40e4-86c6-6b607703bd4e
Version 2.0.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 1
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category Azure Data Explorer
Microsoft Learn
Description Enabling disk encryption helps protect and safeguard your data to meet your organizational security and compliance commitments.
Cloud environments AzureCloud = true
AzureUSGovernment = unknown
AzureChinaCloud = unknown
Available in AzUSGov Unknown, no evidence if Policy definition is/not available in AzureUSGovernment
Mode Indexed
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
Audit, Deny, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases IF (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/enableDiskEncryption Microsoft.Kusto clusters properties.enableDiskEncryption True False
Rule resource types IF (1)
The following 77 compliance controls are associated with this Policy definition 'Disk encryption should be enabled on Azure Data Explorer' (f4b53539-8df9-40e4-86c6-6b607703bd4e)
Control Domain Control Name MetadataId Category Title Owner Requirements Description Info Policy#
ACAT_Security_Policies ACAT_Security_Policies ACAT Security Policies Guidelines for M365 Certification Protecting systems and resources Shared n/a Ensures that apps have strong security and compliance practices in place to protect customer data, security, and privacy. link 16
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 CM_3(6) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_CM_3(6) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 CM 3(6) Configuration Change Control Configuration Change Control | Cryptography Management Shared The organization ensures that cryptographic mechanisms used to provide any cryptographic-based safeguards are under configuration management. To uphold security and integrity measures. 20
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SC_12 Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SC_12 Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SC 12 Cryptographic Key Establishment and Management Cryptographic Key Establishment and Management Shared The organization establishes and manages cryptographic keys for required cryptography employed within the information system in accordance with CSE-approved cryptography. To enhance overall security posture and compliance with industry best practices. 29
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SC_12(1) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SC_12(1) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SC 12(1) Cryptographic Key Establishment and Management Cryptographic Key Establishment and Management | Availability Shared The organization maintains availability of information in the event of the loss of cryptographic keys by users. To implement backup and recovery mechanisms. 29
CMMC_2.0_L2 SC.L2-3.13.16 CMMC_2.0_L2_SC.L2-3.13.16 404 not found n/a n/a 14
CMMC_L2_v1.9.0 MP.L2_3.8.6 CMMC_L2_v1.9.0_MP.L2_3.8.6 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 MP.L2 3.8.6 Media Protection Portable Storage Encryption Shared Implement cryptographic mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of CUI stored on digital media during transport unless otherwise protected by alternative physical safeguards. To ensure that sensitive information remains secure and confidential even if the media is lost, stolen, or intercepted during transit. 9
CMMC_L2_v1.9.0 SC.L2_3.13.11 CMMC_L2_v1.9.0_SC.L2_3.13.11 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 SC.L2 3.13.11 System and Communications Protection CUI Encryption Shared Employ FIPS validated cryptography when used to protect the confidentiality of CUI. To ensure the integrity and effectiveness of cryptographic protections applied to sensitive data. 19
CMMC_L3 SC.3.177 CMMC_L3_SC.3.177 CMMC L3 SC.3.177 System and Communications Protection Employ FIPS-validated cryptography when used to protect the confidentiality of CUI. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Cryptography can be employed to support many security solutions including the protection of controlled unclassified information, the provision of digital signatures, and the enforcement of information separation when authorized individuals have the necessary clearances for such information but lack the necessary formal access approvals. Cryptography can also be used to support random number generation and hash generation. Cryptographic standards include FIPSvalidated cryptography and/or NSA-approved cryptography. link 25
CMMC_L3 SC.3.191 CMMC_L3_SC.3.191 CMMC L3 SC.3.191 System and Communications Protection Protect the confidentiality of CUI at rest. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is not in process or in transit and is located on storage devices as specific components of systems. The focus of protection at rest is not on the type of storage device or the frequency of access but rather the state of the information. Organizations can use different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Organizations may also use other controls including secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. link 13
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_02 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_02 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 02 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management CEK Roles and Responsibilities Shared n/a Define and implement cryptographic, encryption and key management roles and responsibilities. 25
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_03 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_03 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 03 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Data Encryption Shared n/a Provide cryptographic protection to data at-rest and in-transit, using cryptographic libraries certified to approved standards. 58
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_10 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_10 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 10 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Key Generation Shared n/a Generate Cryptographic keys using industry accepted cryptographic libraries specifying the algorithm strength and the random number generator used. 24
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_11 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_11 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 11 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Key Purpose Shared n/a Manage cryptographic secret and private keys that are provisioned for a unique purpose. 24
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_12 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_12 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 12 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Key Rotation Shared n/a Rotate cryptographic keys in accordance with the calculated cryptoperiod, which includes provisions for considering the risk of information disclosure and legal and regulatory requirements. 22
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_15 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_15 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 15 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Key Activation Shared n/a Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to create keys in a pre-activated state when they have been generated but not authorized for use, which include provisions for legal and regulatory requirements. 21
CSA_v4.0.12 CEK_16 CSA_v4.0.12_CEK_16 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 CEK 16 Cryptography, Encryption & Key Management Key Suspension Shared n/a Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures to monitor, review and approve key transitions from any state to/from suspension, which include provisions for legal and regulatory requirements. 23
CSA_v4.0.12 DSP_07 CSA_v4.0.12_DSP_07 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 DSP 07 Data Security and Privacy Lifecycle Management Data Protection by Design and Default Shared n/a Develop systems, products, and business practices based upon a principle of security by design and industry best practices. 16
CSA_v4.0.12 DSP_17 CSA_v4.0.12_DSP_17 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 DSP 17 Data Security and Privacy Lifecycle Management Sensitive Data Protection Shared n/a Define and implement, processes, procedures and technical measures to protect sensitive data throughout it's lifecycle. 15
CSA_v4.0.12 UEM_08 CSA_v4.0.12_UEM_08 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 UEM 08 Universal Endpoint Management Storage Encryption Shared n/a Protect information from unauthorized disclosure on managed endpoint devices with storage encryption. 14
EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022 EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022_21 EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022_21 EU 2022/2555 (NIS2) 2022 21 Cybersecurity risk-management measures Shared n/a Requires essential and important entities to take appropriate measures to manage cybersecurity risks. 194
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 24 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._24 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 24 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Responsibility of the controller Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 25 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._25 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 25 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Data protection by design and by default Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 28 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._28 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 28 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Processor Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 32 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._32 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 32 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Security of processing Shared n/a n/a 311
FBI_Criminal_Justice_Information_Services_v5.9.5_5 .1 FBI_Criminal_Justice_Information_Services_v5.9.5_5.1 FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) v5.9.5 5.1 Policy and Implementation - Systems And Communications Protection Systems And Communications Protection Shared In addition, applications, services, or information systems must have the capability to ensure system integrity through the detection and protection against unauthorized changes to software and information. Examples of systems and communications safeguards range from boundary and transmission protection to securing an agency's virtualized environment. 111
FedRAMP_High_R4 SC-28 FedRAMP_High_R4_SC-28 FedRAMP High SC-28 System And Communications Protection Protection Of Information At Rest Shared n/a The information system protects the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest]. Supplemental Guidance: This control addresses the confidentiality and integrity of information at rest and covers user information and system information. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is located on storage devices as specific components of information systems. System-related information requiring protection includes, for example, configurations or rule sets for firewalls, gateways, intrusion detection/prevention systems, filtering routers, and authenticator content. Organizations may employ different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality and integrity protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Integrity protection can be achieved, for example, by implementing Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) technologies. Organizations may also employ other security controls including, for example, secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved and/or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. Related controls: AC-3, AC-6, CA-7, CM-3, CM-5, CM-6, PE-3, SC-8, SC-13, SI-3, SI-7. References: NIST Special Publications 800-56, 800-57, 800-111. link 16
FedRAMP_High_R4 SC-28(1) FedRAMP_High_R4_SC-28(1) FedRAMP High SC-28 (1) System And Communications Protection Cryptographic Protection Shared n/a The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of [Assignment: organization-defined information] on [Assignment: organization-defined information system components]. Supplemental Guidance: Selection of cryptographic mechanisms is based on the need to protect the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information. The strength of mechanism is commensurate with the security category and/or classification of the information. This control enhancement applies to significant concentrations of digital media in organizational areas designated for media storage and also to limited quantities of media generally associated with information system components in operational environments (e.g., portable storage devices, mobile devices). Organizations have the flexibility to either encrypt all information on storage devices (i.e., full disk encryption) or encrypt specific data structures (e.g., files, records, or fields). Organizations employing cryptographic mechanisms to protect information at rest also consider cryptographic key management solutions. Related controls: AC-19, SC-12. link 16
FedRAMP_Moderate_R4 SC-28 FedRAMP_Moderate_R4_SC-28 FedRAMP Moderate SC-28 System And Communications Protection Protection Of Information At Rest Shared n/a The information system protects the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest]. Supplemental Guidance: This control addresses the confidentiality and integrity of information at rest and covers user information and system information. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is located on storage devices as specific components of information systems. System-related information requiring protection includes, for example, configurations or rule sets for firewalls, gateways, intrusion detection/prevention systems, filtering routers, and authenticator content. Organizations may employ different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality and integrity protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Integrity protection can be achieved, for example, by implementing Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) technologies. Organizations may also employ other security controls including, for example, secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved and/or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. Related controls: AC-3, AC-6, CA-7, CM-3, CM-5, CM-6, PE-3, SC-8, SC-13, SI-3, SI-7. References: NIST Special Publications 800-56, 800-57, 800-111. link 16
FedRAMP_Moderate_R4 SC-28(1) FedRAMP_Moderate_R4_SC-28(1) FedRAMP Moderate SC-28 (1) System And Communications Protection Cryptographic Protection Shared n/a The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of [Assignment: organization-defined information] on [Assignment: organization-defined information system components]. Supplemental Guidance: Selection of cryptographic mechanisms is based on the need to protect the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information. The strength of mechanism is commensurate with the security category and/or classification of the information. This control enhancement applies to significant concentrations of digital media in organizational areas designated for media storage and also to limited quantities of media generally associated with information system components in operational environments (e.g., portable storage devices, mobile devices). Organizations have the flexibility to either encrypt all information on storage devices (i.e., full disk encryption) or encrypt specific data structures (e.g., files, records, or fields). Organizations employing cryptographic mechanisms to protect information at rest also consider cryptographic key management solutions. Related controls: AC-19, SC-12. link 16
HITRUST_CSF_v11.3 06.c HITRUST_CSF_v11.3_06.c HITRUST CSF v11.3 06.c Compliance with Legal Requirements To prevent loss, destruction and falsification of important records in accordance with statutory, regulatory, contractual, and business requirements. Shared 1. Guidelines are to be issued and implemented by the organization on the ownership, classification, retention, storage, handling, and disposal of all records and information. 2. Accountings of disclosure as organizational records are to be documented and maintained for a pre-defined period. Important records shall be protected from loss, destruction, and falsification, in accordance with statutory, regulatory, contractual, and business requirements. 26
ISO_IEC_27001_2022 7.5.3 ISO_IEC_27001_2022_7.5.3 ISO IEC 27001 2022 7.5.3 Support Control of documented information Shared 1. Documented information required by the information security management system and by this document shall be controlled to ensure: a. it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed; and b. it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity). 2. For the control of documented information, the organization shall address the following activities, as applicable: a. distribution, access, retrieval and use; b. storage and preservation, including the preservation of legibility; c. control of changes (e.g. version control); and d. retention and disposition. Specifies that the documented information of external origin, determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the information security management system, shall be identified as appropriate, and controlled 32
ISO_IEC_27017_2015 10.1.1 ISO_IEC_27017_2015_10.1.1 ISO IEC 27017 2015 10.1.1 Cryptography Policy on the use of cryptographic controls Shared For Cloud Service Customer: The cloud service customer should implement cryptographic controls for its use of cloud services if justified by the risk analysis. The controls should be of sufficient strength to mitigate the identified risks, whether those controls are supplied by the cloud service customer or by the cloud service provider. When the cloud service provider offers cryptography, the cloud service customer should review any information supplied by the cloud service provider to confirm whether the cryptographic capabilities: (i) meet the cloud service customer's policy requirements; (ii) are compatible with any other cryptographic protection used by the cloud service customer; (iii) apply to data at rest and in transit to, from and within the cloud service. For Cloud Service Provider: The cloud service provider should provide information to the cloud service customer regarding the circumstances in which it uses cryptography to protect the information it processes. The cloud service provider should also provide information to the cloud service customer about any capabilities it provides that can assist the cloud service customer in applying its own cryptographic protection. To ensure proper and effective use of cryptography to protect the confidentiality, authenticity or integrity of information according to business and information security requirements, and taking into consideration legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements related to cryptography. 19
ISO_IEC_27017_2015 18.1.3 ISO_IEC_27017_2015_18.1.3 ISO IEC 27017 2015 18.1.3 Compliance Protection of Records Shared For Cloud Service Customer: The cloud service customer should request information from the cloud service provider about the protection of records gathered and stored by the cloud service provider that are relevant to the use of cloud services by the cloud service customer. For Cloud Service Provider: The cloud service provider should provide information to the cloud service customer about the protection of records that are gathered and stored by the cloud service provider relating to the use of cloud services by the cloud service customer. To ensure compliance with legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements, as well as community or societal expectations related to the protection and availability of records. 17
ISO_IEC_27017_2015 18.1.5 ISO_IEC_27017_2015_18.1.5 ISO IEC 27017 2015 18.1.5 Compliance Regulation of Cryptographic Controls Shared For Cloud Service Customer: The cloud service customer should verify that the set of cryptographic controls that apply to the use of a cloud service comply with relevant agreements, legislation and regulations. For Cloud Service Provider: The cloud service provider should provide descriptions of the cryptographic controls implemented by the cloud service provider to the cloud service customer for reviewing compliance with applicable agreements, legislation and regulations. To ensure compliance with legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements related to information security. 19
LGPD_2018_Art. 16 LGPD_2018_Art._16 Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) 2018 Art. 16 Termination of Data Processing Art. 16. Personal data shall be deleted following the termination of their processing Shared n/a Personal data shall be deleted following the termination of their processing, within the scope and technical limits of the activities, but their storage is authorized for the following purposes: (1) compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller; (2) study by a research entity, ensuring, whenever possible, the anonymization of the personal data; (3) transfer to third parties, provided that the requirements for data processing as provided in this Law are obeyed; or (4) exclusive use of the controller, with access by third parties being prohibited, and provided the data has been anonymized. 18
New_Zealand_ISM 23.4.9.C.01 New_Zealand_ISM_23.4.9.C.01 New_Zealand_ISM_23.4.9.C.01 23. Public Cloud Security 23.4.9.C.01 Data protection mechanisms n/a For each cloud service, agencies MUST ensure that the mechanisms used to protect data meet agency requirements. 17
NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3 .13.16 NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3.13.16 NIST SP 800-171 R2 3.13.16 System and Communications Protection Protect the confidentiality of CUI at rest. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is not in process or in transit and is located on storage devices as specific components of systems. The focus of protection at rest is not on the type of storage device or the frequency of access but rather the state of the information. Organizations can use different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Organizations may also use other controls including secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. See [NIST CRYPTO]. link 18
NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3 .13.11 NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3.13.11 NIST 800-171 R3 3.13.11 System and Communications Protection Control Cryptographic Protection Shared Cryptography is implemented in accordance with applicable laws, Executive Orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines. Implement the following types of cryptography when used to protect the confidentiality of CUI: [Assignment: organization-defined types of cryptography]. 19
NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3 .13.8 NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3.13.8 NIST 800-171 R3 3.13.8 System and Communications Protection Control Transmission and Storage Confidentiality Shared This requirement applies to internal and external networks and any system components that can transmit CUI, including servers, notebook computers, desktop computers, mobile devices, printers, copiers, scanners, facsimile machines, and radios. Unprotected communication paths are susceptible to interception and modification. Encryption protects CUI from unauthorized disclosure during transmission and while in storage. Cryptographic mechanisms that protect the confidentiality of CUI during transmission include TLS and IPsec. Information in storage (i.e. information at rest) refers to the state of CUI when it is not in process or in transit and resides on internal or external storage devices, storage area network devices, and databases. Protecting CUI in storage does not focus on the type of storage device or the frequency of access to that device but rather on the state of the information. This requirement relates to 03.13.11. Implement cryptographic mechanisms to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of CUI during transmission and while in storage. 12
NIST_SP_800-53_R4 SC-28 NIST_SP_800-53_R4_SC-28 NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 SC-28 System And Communications Protection Protection Of Information At Rest Shared n/a The information system protects the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest]. Supplemental Guidance: This control addresses the confidentiality and integrity of information at rest and covers user information and system information. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is located on storage devices as specific components of information systems. System-related information requiring protection includes, for example, configurations or rule sets for firewalls, gateways, intrusion detection/prevention systems, filtering routers, and authenticator content. Organizations may employ different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality and integrity protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Integrity protection can be achieved, for example, by implementing Write-Once-Read-Many (WORM) technologies. Organizations may also employ other security controls including, for example, secure off-line storage in lieu of online storage when adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved and/or continuous monitoring to identify malicious code at rest. Related controls: AC-3, AC-6, CA-7, CM-3, CM-5, CM-6, PE-3, SC-8, SC-13, SI-3, SI-7. References: NIST Special Publications 800-56, 800-57, 800-111. link 16
NIST_SP_800-53_R4 SC-28(1) NIST_SP_800-53_R4_SC-28(1) NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 SC-28 (1) System And Communications Protection Cryptographic Protection Shared n/a The information system implements cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of [Assignment: organization-defined information] on [Assignment: organization-defined information system components]. Supplemental Guidance: Selection of cryptographic mechanisms is based on the need to protect the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information. The strength of mechanism is commensurate with the security category and/or classification of the information. This control enhancement applies to significant concentrations of digital media in organizational areas designated for media storage and also to limited quantities of media generally associated with information system components in operational environments (e.g., portable storage devices, mobile devices). Organizations have the flexibility to either encrypt all information on storage devices (i.e., full disk encryption) or encrypt specific data structures (e.g., files, records, or fields). Organizations employing cryptographic mechanisms to protect information at rest also consider cryptographic key management solutions. Related controls: AC-19, SC-12. link 16
NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1 SC.13 NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1_SC.13 NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 SC.13 System and Communications Protection Cryptographic Protection Shared a. Determine the [Assignment: organization-defined cryptographic uses]; and b. Implement the following types of cryptography required for each specified cryptographic use: [Assignment: organization-defined types of cryptography for each specified cryptographic use]. Cryptography can be employed to support a variety of security solutions, including the protection of classified information and controlled unclassified information, the provision and implementation of digital signatures, and the enforcement of information separation when authorized individuals have the necessary clearances but lack the necessary formal access approvals. Cryptography can also be used to support random number and hash generation. Generally applicable cryptographic standards include FIPS-validated cryptography and NSA-approved cryptography. For example, organizations that need to protect classified information may specify the use of NSA-approved cryptography. Organizations that need to provision and implement digital signatures may specify the use of FIPS-validated cryptography. Cryptography is implemented in accordance with applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines. 19
NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1 SC.28 NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1_SC.28 NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 SC.28 System and Communications Protection Protection of Information at Rest Shared Protect the [Selection (one or more): confidentiality; integrity] of the following information at rest: [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest]. Information at rest refers to the state of information when it is not in process or in transit and is located on system components. Such components include internal or external hard disk drives, storage area network devices, or databases. However, the focus of protecting information at rest is not on the type of storage device or frequency of access but rather on the state of the information. Information at rest addresses the confidentiality and integrity of information and covers user information and system information. System-related information that requires protection includes configurations or rule sets for firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, filtering routers, and authentication information. Organizations may employ different mechanisms to achieve confidentiality and integrity protections, including the use of cryptographic mechanisms and file share scanning. Integrity protection can be achieved, for example, by implementing write-once-read-many (WORM) technologies. When adequate protection of information at rest cannot otherwise be achieved, organizations may employ other controls, including frequent scanning to identify malicious code at rest and secure offline storage in lieu of online storage. 17
NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1 SC.28.1 NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1_SC.28.1 NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 SC.28.1 System and Communications Protection Protection of Information at Rest | Cryptographic Protection Shared Implement cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of the following information at rest on [Assignment: organization-defined system components or media]: [Assignment: organization-defined information]. The selection of cryptographic mechanisms is based on the need to protect the confidentiality and integrity of organizational information. The strength of mechanism is commensurate with the security category or classification of the information. Organizations have the flexibility to encrypt information on system components or media or encrypt data structures, including files, records, or fields. 9
NIST_SP_800-53_R5 SC-28 NIST_SP_800-53_R5_SC-28 NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 SC-28 System and Communications Protection Protection of Information at Rest Shared n/a Protect the [Selection (OneOrMore): confidentiality;integrity] of the following information at rest: [Assignment: organization-defined information at rest]. link 16
NIST_SP_800-53_R5 SC-28(1) NIST_SP_800-53_R5_SC-28(1) NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 SC-28 (1) System and Communications Protection Cryptographic Protection Shared n/a Implement cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure and modification of the following information at rest on [Assignment: organization-defined system components or media]: [Assignment: organization-defined information]. link 16
NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme U.05.2(2) NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme_U.05.2(2) NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme_U.05.2(2) U.05 Data protection Cryptographic measures n/a Data stored in the cloud service shall be protected to the latest state of the art with encryption and with a key length sufficient at least for the purpose, whereby the key management is not purchased as a cloud service if possible and is carried out by the CSC itself. 52
NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme U.11.3(2) NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme_U.11.3(2) NL_BIO_Cloud_Theme_U.11.3(2) U.11 Cryptoservices Encrypted n/a Sensitive data (on transport and at rest) is always encrypted, with private keys managed by the CSC. The use of a private key by the CSP is based on a controlled procedure and must be jointly agreed with the CSC organisation. 52
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.51.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.51.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.51.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.51.C.01. - To enhace overall security posture. Shared n/a Agencies using cryptographic functionality within a product to protect the confidentiality, authentication, non-repudiation or integrity of information, MUST ensure that the product has completed a cryptographic evaluation recognised by the GCSB. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.52.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.52.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.52.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.52.C.01. - To enhace overall security posture. Shared n/a Cryptographic products MUST provide a means of data recovery to allow for recovery of data in circumstances where the encryption key is unavailable due to loss, damage or failure. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.52.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.52.C.02. NZISM v3.7 17.1.52.C.02. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.52.C.02. - To enhance data accessibility and integrity. Shared n/a Cryptographic products SHOULD provide a means of data recovery to allow for recovery of data in circumstances where the encryption key is unavailable due to loss, damage or failure. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.53.C.03. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.53.C.03. NZISM v3.7 17.1.53.C.03. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.53.C.03. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a If an agency wishes to use encryption to reduce the storage, handling or physical transfer requirements for IT equipment or media that contains classified information, they MUST use: 1. full disk encryption; or 2. partial disk encryption where the access control will allow writing ONLY to the encrypted partition holding the classified information. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.53.C.04. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.53.C.04. NZISM v3.7 17.1.53.C.04. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.53.C.04. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a If an agency wishes to use encryption to reduce the storage or physical transfer requirements for IT equipment or media that contains classified information, they SHOULD use: 1. full disk encryption; or 2. partial disk encryption where the access control will allow writing ONLY to the encrypted partition holding the classified information. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.54.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.54.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.54.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.54.C.01. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a Agencies MUST use an Approved Cryptographic Algorithm to protect NZEO information when at rest on a system. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.55.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.55.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.55.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.55.C.01. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a Agencies MUST use HACE if they wish to communicate or pass information over UNCLASSIFIED, insecure or unprotected networks. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.55.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.55.C.02. NZISM v3.7 17.1.55.C.02. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.55.C.02. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a Information or systems classified RESTRICTED or SENSITIVE MUST be encrypted with an Approved Cryptographic Algorithm and Protocol if information is transmitted or systems are communicating over insecure or unprotected networks, such as the Internet, public networks or non-agency controlled networks. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.55.C.03. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.55.C.03. NZISM v3.7 17.1.55.C.03. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.55.C.03. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a Agencies MUST encrypt aggregated agency data using an approved algorithm and protocol over insecure or unprotected networks such as the Internet, public infrastructure or non-agency controlled networks when the compromise of the aggregated data would present a significant impact to the agency. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.55.C.04. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.55.C.04. NZISM v3.7 17.1.55.C.04. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.55.C.04. - To ensure compliance with established security standards and enhance the effectiveness of encryption in safeguarding sensitive information. Shared n/a Agencies SHOULD encrypt agency data using an approved algorithm and protocol if they wish to communicate over insecure or unprotected networks such as the Internet, public networks or non-agency controlled networks. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.56.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.56.C.02. NZISM v3.7 17.1.56.C.02. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.56.C.02. - To ensure compliance with security protocols and best practices. Shared n/a Agencies MUST consult the GCSB for further advice on the powered off status and treatment of specific software, systems and IT equipment. 20
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.57.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.57.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.57.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.57.C.01. - To ensure compliance with security protocols and best practices. Shared n/a In addition to any encryption already in place for communication mediums, agencies MUST use an Approved Cryptographic Protocol and Algorithm to protect NZEO information when in transit. 19
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.58.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.58.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.1.58.C.01. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.58.C.01. - To ensure compliance with security protocols and best practices. Shared n/a Agencies SHOULD establish cryptoperiods for all keys and cryptographic implementations in their systems and operations. 19
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.58.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.58.C.02. NZISM v3.7 17.1.58.C.02. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.58.C.02. - To enhance overall cybersecurity posture. Shared n/a Agencies SHOULD use risk assessment techniques and guidance to establish cryptoperiods. 25
NZISM_v3.7 17.1.58.C.03. NZISM_v3.7_17.1.58.C.03. NZISM v3.7 17.1.58.C.03. Cryptographic Fundamentals 17.1.58.C.03. - To enhance overall cybersecurity posture. Shared n/a Agencies using HACE MUST consult the GCSB for key management requirements. 17
NZISM_v3.7 17.10.12.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_17.10.12.C.01. NZISM v3.7 17.10.12.C.01. Hardware Security Modules 17.10.12.C.01. - To enhance the overall security posture of the systems and the sensitive information they protect. Shared n/a Agencies MUST consider the use of HSMs when undertaking a security risk assessment or designing network and security architectures. 15
PCI_DSS_v4.0.1 PCI_DSS_v4.0.1_3.5.1.1 PCI DSS v4.0.1 Protect Stored Account Data Hashes used to render PAN unreadable (per the first bullet of Requirement 3.5.1) are keyed cryptographic hashes of the entire PAN, with associated key-management processes and procedures in accordance with Requirements 3.6 and 3.7 Shared n/a Examine documentation about the hashing method used to render PAN unreadable, including the vendor, type of system/process, and the encryption algorithms (as applicable) to verify that the hashing method results in keyed cryptographic hashes of the entire PAN, with associated key management processes and procedures. Examine documentation about the key management procedures and processes associated with the keyed cryptographic hashes to verify keys are managed in accordance with Requirements 3.6 and 3.7. Examine data repositories to verify the PAN is rendered unreadable. Examine audit logs, including payment application logs, to verify the PAN is rendered unreadable 19
PCI_DSS_v4.0.1 PCI_DSS_v4.0.1_3.5.1.2 PCI DSS v4.0.1 Protect Stored Account Data If disk-level or partition-level encryption (rather than file-, column-, or field-level database encryption) is used to render PAN unreadable, it is implemented only as follows: on removable electronic media OR if used for non-removable electronic media, PAN is also rendered unreadable via another mechanism that meets Requirement 3.5.1 Shared n/a Examine encryption processes to verify that, if disk-level or partition-level encryption is used to render PAN unreadable, it is implemented only as follows: on removable electronic media, OR if used for non-removable electronic media, examine encryption processes used to verify that PAN is also rendered unreadable via another method that meets Requirement 3.5.1. Examine configurations and/or vendor documentation and observe encryption processes to verify the system is configured according to vendor documentation the result is that the disk or the partition is rendered unreadable 9
PCI_DSS_v4.0.1 4.2.1 PCI_DSS_v4.0.1_4.2.1 PCI DSS v4.0.1 4.2.1 Protect Cardholder Data with Strong Cryptography During Transmission Over Open, Public Networks Strong cryptography and security protocols are implemented as follows to safeguard PAN during transmission over open, public networks: Only trusted keys and certificates are accepted. Certificates used to safeguard PAN during transmission over open, public networks are confirmed as valid and are not expired or revoked. The protocol in use supports only secure versions or configurations and does not support fallback to, or use of insecure versions, algorithms, key sizes, or implementations. The encryption strength is appropriate for the encryption methodology in use Shared n/a Examine documented policies and procedures and interview personnel to verify processes are defined to include all elements specified in this requirement. Examine system configurations to verify that strong cryptography and security protocols are implemented in accordance with all elements specified in this requirement. Examine cardholder data transmissions to verify that all PAN is encrypted with strong cryptography when it is transmitted over open, public networks. Examine system configurations to verify that keys and/or certificates that cannot be verified as trusted are rejected 19
RBI_ITF_NBFC_v2017 3.1.h RBI_ITF_NBFC_v2017_3.1.h RBI IT Framework 3.1.h Information and Cyber Security Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-3.1 n/a The IS Policy must provide for a IS framework with the following basic tenets: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - NBFCs may increase the usage of PKI to ensure confidentiality of data, access control, data integrity, authentication and nonrepudiation. link 31
SOC_2023 CC2.3 SOC_2023_CC2.3 SOC 2023 CC2.3 Information and Communication To facilitate effective internal communication. Shared n/a Entity to communicate with external parties regarding matters affecting the functioning of internal control. 219
SOC_2023 CC5.3 SOC_2023_CC5.3 SOC 2023 CC5.3 Control Activities To maintain alignment with organizational objectives and regulatory requirements. Shared n/a Entity deploys control activities through policies that establish what is expected and in procedures that put policies into action by establishing Policies and Procedures to Support Deployment of Management’s Directives, Responsibility and Accountability for Executing Policies and Procedures, perform tasks in a timely manner, taking corrective actions, perform using competent personnel and reassess policies and procedures. 230
SOC_2023 CC7.2 SOC_2023_CC7.2 SOC 2023 CC7.2 Systems Operations To maintain robust security measures and ensure operational resilience. Shared n/a The entity monitors system components and the operation of those components for anomalies that are indicative of malicious acts, natural disasters, and errors affecting the entity's ability to meet its objectives; anomalies are analysed to determine whether they represent security events. 168
SOC_2023 CC7.4 SOC_2023_CC7.4 SOC 2023 CC7.4 Systems Operations To effectively manage security incidents, minimize their impact, and protect assets, operations, and reputation. Shared n/a The entity responds to identified security incidents by: a. Executing a defined incident-response program to understand, contain, remediate, and communicate security incidents by assigning roles and responsibilities; b. Establishing procedures to contain security incidents; c. Mitigating ongoing security incidents, End Threats Posed by Security Incidents; d. Restoring operations; e. Developing and Implementing Communication Protocols for Security Incidents; f. Obtains Understanding of Nature of Incident and Determines Containment Strategy; g. Remediation Identified Vulnerabilities; h. Communicating Remediation Activities; and, i. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Incident Response and periodic incident evaluations. 214
SWIFT_CSCF_2024 2.1 SWIFT_CSCF_2024_2.1 SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 2.1 Risk Management Internal Data Flow Security Shared The protection of internal data flows safeguards against unintended disclosure, modification, and access of the data while in transit. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of application data flows between ’user’s Swift-related components. 48
SWIFT_CSCF_2024 2.4A SWIFT_CSCF_2024_2.4A SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 2.4A Risk Management Back Office Data Flow Security Shared Protection of data flows or connections between the back-office first hops as seen from the Swift or customer secure zone and the Swift infrastructure safeguards against person-in-the-middle attack, unintended disclosure, modification, and data access while in transit. To ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and mutual authenticity of data flowing between on-premises or remote Swift infrastructure components and the back-office first hops they connect to. 24
U.05.2 - Cryptographic measures U.05.2 - Cryptographic measures 404 not found n/a n/a 51
U.11.3 - Encrypted U.11.3 - Encrypted 404 not found n/a n/a 51
UK_NCSC_CAF_v3.2 C1.b UK_NCSC_CAF_v3.2_C1.b NCSC Cyber Assurance Framework (CAF) v3.2 C1.b Security Monitoring Securing Logs Shared 1. The integrity of logging data is protected, or any modification is detected and attributed. 2. The logging architecture has mechanisms, processes and procedures to ensure that it can protect itself from threats comparable to those it is trying to identify. This includes protecting the function itself, and the data within it. 3. Log data analysis and normalisation is only performed on copies of the data keeping the master copy unaltered. 4. Logging datasets are synchronised, using an accurate common time source, so that separate datasets can be correlated in different ways. 5. Access to logging data is limited to those with business need and no others. 6. All actions involving all logging data (e.g. copying, deleting or modification, or even viewing) can be traced back to a unique user. 7. Legitimate reasons for accessing logging data are given in use policies. Hold logging data securely and grant read access only to accounts with business need. No employee should ever need to modify or delete logging data within an agreed retention period, after which it should be deleted. 11
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type polSet in AzUSGov
[Preview]: CMMC 2.0 Level 2 4e50fd13-098b-3206-61d6-d1d78205cb45 Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn true
[Preview]: Reserve Bank of India - IT Framework for NBFC 7f89f09c-48c1-f28d-1bd5-84f3fb22f86c Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn unknown
ACAT for Microsoft 365 Certification 80307b86-ab81-45ab-bf4f-4e0b93cf3dd5 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) 2018 770977b7-fceb-4c16-9d09-b7484fb8eef2 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 f8f5293d-df94-484a-a3e7-6b422a999d91 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
CMMC Level 3 b5629c75-5c77-4422-87b9-2509e680f8de Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
CSA CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 8791506a-dec4-497a-a83f-3abfde37c400 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 a4087154-2edb-4329-b56a-1cc986807f3c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Enforce recommended guardrails for Data Explorer Enforce-Guardrails-DataExplorer Azure Data Explorer GA ALZ
EU 2022/2555 (NIS2) 2022 42346945-b531-41d8-9e46-f95057672e88 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 7326812a-86a4-40c8-af7c-8945de9c4913 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) v5.9.5 4fcabc2a-30b2-4ba5-9fbb-b1a4e08fb721 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
FedRAMP High d5264498-16f4-418a-b659-fa7ef418175f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
FedRAMP Moderate e95f5a9f-57ad-4d03-bb0b-b1d16db93693 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
HITRUST CSF v11.3 e0d47b75-5d99-442a-9d60-07f2595ab095 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
ISO/IEC 27001 2022 5e4ff661-23bf-42fa-8e3a-309a55091cc7 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
ISO/IEC 27017 2015 f48ecfa6-581c-43f9-8141-cd4adc72cf26 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NCSC Cyber Assurance Framework (CAF) v3.2 6d220abf-cf6f-4b17-8f7e-0644c4cc84b4 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
New Zealand ISM 4f5b1359-4f8e-4d7c-9733-ea47fcde891e Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NIST 800-171 R3 38916c43-6876-4971-a4b1-806aa7e55ccc Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NIST SP 800-171 Rev. 2 03055927-78bd-4236-86c0-f36125a10dc9 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 60205a79-6280-4e20-a147-e2011e09dc78 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 cf25b9c1-bd23-4eb6-bd2c-f4f3ac644a5f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 179d1daa-458f-4e47-8086-2a68d0d6c38f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn true
NL BIO Cloud Theme 6ce73208-883e-490f-a2ac-44aac3b3687f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NL BIO Cloud Theme V2 d8b2ffbe-c6a8-4622-965d-4ade11d1d2ee Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NZISM v3.7 4476df0a-18ab-4bfe-b6ad-cccae1cf320f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
PCI DSS v4.0.1 a06d5deb-24aa-4991-9d58-fa7563154e31 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
SOC 2023 53ad89f5-8542-49e9-ba81-1cbd686e0d52 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 7499005e-df5a-45d9-810f-041cf346678c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2021-02-03 15:09:01 change Major (1.0.0 > 2.0.0)
2020-11-10 16:00:42 add f4b53539-8df9-40e4-86c6-6b607703bd4e
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: