last sync: 2024-Oct-10 19:12:06 UTC

Azure Machine Learning Computes should have local authentication methods disabled

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Azure Machine Learning Computes should have local authentication methods disabled
Id e96a9a5f-07ca-471b-9bc5-6a0f33cbd68f
Version 2.1.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 2
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category Machine Learning
Microsoft Learn
Description Disabling local authentication methods improves security by ensuring that Machine Learning Computes require Azure Active Directory identities exclusively for authentication. Learn more at:
Mode All
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
Audit, Deny, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases IF (2)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/computeType Microsoft.MachineLearningServices workspaces/computes properties.computeType True False
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/computes/disableLocalAuth Microsoft.MachineLearningServices workspaces/computes properties.disableLocalAuth True True
Rule resource types IF (1)
The following 5 compliance controls are associated with this Policy definition 'Azure Machine Learning Computes should have local authentication methods disabled' (e96a9a5f-07ca-471b-9bc5-6a0f33cbd68f)
Control Domain Control Name MetadataId Category Title Owner Requirements Description Info Policy#
Azure_Security_Benchmark_v3.0 IM-1 Azure_Security_Benchmark_v3.0_IM-1 Microsoft cloud security benchmark IM-1 Identity Management Use centralized identity and authentication system Shared **Security Principle:** Use a centralized identity and authentication system to govern your organization's identities and authentications for cloud and non-cloud resources. **Azure Guidance:** Microsoft Entra ID is Azure's identity and authentication management service. You should standardize on Microsoft Entra ID to govern your organization's identity and authentication in: - Microsoft cloud resources, such as the Azure Storage, Azure Virtual Machines (Linux and Windows), Azure Key Vault, PaaS, and SaaS applications. - Your organization's resources, such as applications on Azure, third-party applications running on your corporate network resources, and third-party SaaS applications. - Your enterprise identities in Active Directory by synchronization to Microsoft Entra ID to ensure a consistent and centrally managed identity strategy. Note: As soon as it is technically feasible, you should migrate on-premises Active Directory based applications to Microsoft Entra ID. This could be a Microsoft Entra Enterprise Directory, Business to Business configuration, or Business to consumer configuration. **Implementation and additional context:** Tenancy in Microsoft Entra ID: How to create and configure a Microsoft Entra instance: Define Microsoft Entra ID tenants: Use external identity providers for an application: n/a link 15
New_Zealand_ISM 16.1.32.C.01 New_Zealand_ISM_16.1.32.C.01 New_Zealand_ISM_16.1.32.C.01 16. Access Control and Passwords Identification n/a Agencies MUST ensure that all system users are uniquely identifiable; and authenticated on each occasion that access is granted to a system. 18
U.10.2 - Users U.10.2 - Users 404 not found n/a n/a 25
U.10.3 - Users U.10.3 - Users 404 not found n/a n/a 26
U.10.5 - Competent U.10.5 - Competent 404 not found n/a n/a 24
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type
Enforce recommended guardrails for Machine Learning Enforce-Guardrails-MachineLearning Machine Learning GA ALZ
Microsoft cloud security benchmark 1f3afdf9-d0c9-4c3d-847f-89da613e70a8 Security Center GA BuiltIn
New Zealand ISM 4f5b1359-4f8e-4d7c-9733-ea47fcde891e Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
NL BIO Cloud Theme 6ce73208-883e-490f-a2ac-44aac3b3687f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2024-03-11 18:31:50 change Minor (2.0.1 > 2.1.0)
2023-05-22 17:43:18 change Patch (2.0.0 > 2.0.1)
2022-10-28 16:42:53 change Major (1.0.0 > 2.0.0)
2021-05-11 14:06:18 add e96a9a5f-07ca-471b-9bc5-6a0f33cbd68f
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: