last sync: 2024-Oct-04 17:51:30 UTC

Audit Linux machines that do not have the passwd file permissions set to 0644

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Audit Linux machines that do not have the passwd file permissions set to 0644
Id e6955644-301c-44b5-a4c4-528577de6861
Version 3.1.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 2
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category Guest Configuration
Microsoft Learn
Description Requires that prerequisites are deployed to the policy assignment scope. For details, visit Machines are non-compliant if Linux machines that do not have the passwd file permissions set to 0644
Mode Indexed
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases IF (7)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Compute/imageOffer Microsoft.Compute

Microsoft.Compute/imagePublisher Microsoft.Compute

Microsoft.Compute/imageSKU Microsoft.Compute

Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/osProfile.linuxConfiguration Microsoft.Compute virtualMachines properties.osProfile.linuxConfiguration True True
Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/storageProfile.osDisk.osType Microsoft.Compute virtualMachines properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType True True
Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere/virtualMachines/osProfile.osType Microsoft.ConnectedVMwarevSphere virtualmachines properties.osProfile.osType True False
Microsoft.HybridCompute/imageOffer Microsoft.HybridCompute machines properties.osName True False
THEN-ExistenceCondition (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.GuestConfiguration/guestConfigurationAssignments/complianceStatus Microsoft.GuestConfiguration guestConfigurationAssignments properties.complianceStatus True False
Rule resource types IF (3)
The following 22 compliance controls are associated with this Policy definition 'Audit Linux machines that do not have the passwd file permissions set to 0644' (e6955644-301c-44b5-a4c4-528577de6861)
Control Domain Control Name MetadataId Category Title Owner Requirements Description Info Policy#
CCCS IA-5 CCCS_IA-5 CCCS IA-5 Identification and Authentication Authenticator Management n/a (A) The organization manages information system authenticators by verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, or device receiving the authenticator. (B) The organization manages information system authenticators by establishing initial authenticator content for authenticators defined by the organization. (C) The organization manages information system authenticators by ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use. (D) The organization manages information system authenticators by establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost/compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators. (E) The organization manages information system authenticators by changing the default content of authenticators prior to information system installation. (F) The organization manages information system authenticators by establishing minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators. (G) The organization manages information system authenticators by changing/refreshing authenticators in accordance with CCCS’s ITSP.30.031. (H) The organization manages information system authenticators by protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification. (I) The organization manages information system authenticators by requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific security safeguards to protect authenticators. (J) The organization manages information system authenticators by changing authenticators for group/role accounts when membership to those accounts changes. link 5
CMMC_2.0_L2 IA.L1-3.5.2 CMMC_2.0_L2_IA.L1-3.5.2 404 not found n/a n/a 18
CMMC_2.0_L2 IA.L2-3.5.10 CMMC_2.0_L2_IA.L2-3.5.10 404 not found n/a n/a 7
CMMC_L3 IA.1.077 CMMC_L3_IA.1.077 CMMC L3 IA.1.077 Identification and Authentication Authenticate (or verify) the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to allowing access to organizational information systems. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Individual authenticators include the following: passwords, key cards, cryptographic devices, and one-time password devices. Initial authenticator content is the actual content of the authenticator, for example, the initial password. In contrast, the requirements about authenticator content include the minimum password length. Developers ship system components with factory default authentication credentials to allow for initial installation and configuration. Default authentication credentials are often well known, easily discoverable, and present a significant security risk. Systems support authenticator management by organization-defined settings and restrictions for various authenticator characteristics including minimum password length, validation time window for time synchronous one-time tokens, and number of allowed rejections during the verification stage of biometric authentication. Authenticator management includes issuing and revoking, when no longer needed, authenticators for temporary access such as that required for remote maintenance. Device authenticators include certificates and passwords. link 9
FedRAMP_High_R4 IA-5 FedRAMP_High_R4_IA-5 FedRAMP High IA-5 Identification And Authentication Authenticator Management Shared n/a The organization manages information system authenticators by: a. Verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, or device receiving the authenticator; b. Establishing initial authenticator content for authenticators defined by the organization; c. Ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use; d. Establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost/compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators; e. Changing default content of authenticators prior to information system installation; f. Establishing minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators; g. Changing/refreshing authenticators [Assignment: organization-defined time period by authenticator type]; h. Protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification; i. Requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific security safeguards to protect authenticators; and j. Changing authenticators for group/role accounts when membership to those accounts changes. Supplemental Guidance: Individual authenticators include, for example, passwords, tokens, biometrics, PKI certificates, and key cards. Initial authenticator content is the actual content (e.g., the initial password) as opposed to requirements about authenticator content (e.g., minimum password length). In many cases, developers ship information system components with factory default authentication credentials to allow for initial installation and configuration. Default authentication credentials are often well known, easily discoverable, and present a significant security risk. The requirement to protect individual authenticators may be implemented via control PL-4 or PS-6 for authenticators in the possession of individuals and by controls AC-3, AC-6, and SC-28 for authenticators stored within organizational information systems (e.g., passwords stored in hashed or encrypted formats, files containing encrypted or hashed passwords accessible with administrator privileges). Information systems support individual authenticator management by organization-defined settings and restrictions for various authenticator characteristics including, for example, minimum password length, password composition, validation time window for time synchronous one-time tokens, and number of allowed rejections during the verification stage of biometric authentication. Specific actions that can be taken to safeguard authenticators include, for example, maintaining possession of individual authenticators, not loaning or sharing individual authenticators with others, and reporting lost, stolen, or compromised authenticators immediately. Authenticator management includes issuing and revoking, when no longer needed, authenticators for temporary access such as that required for remote maintenance. Device authenticators include, for example, certificates and passwords. Related controls: AC-2, AC-3, AC-6, CM-6, IA-2, IA-4, IA-8, PL-4, PS-5, PS-6, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-28. References: OMB Memoranda 04-04, 11-11; FIPS Publication 201; NIST Special Publications 800-73, 800-63, 800-76, 800-78; FICAM Roadmap and Implementation Guidance link 18
FedRAMP_High_R4 IA-5(1) FedRAMP_High_R4_IA-5(1) FedRAMP High IA-5 (1) Identification And Authentication Password-Based Authentication Shared n/a The information system, for password-based authentication: (a) Enforces minimum password complexity of [Assignment: organization-defined requirements for case sensitivity, number of characters, mix of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters, including minimum requirements for each type]; (b) Enforces at least the following number of changed characters when new passwords are created: [Assignment: organization-defined number]; (c) Stores and transmits only encrypted representations of passwords; (d) Enforces password minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions of [Assignment: organization- defined numbers for lifetime minimum, lifetime maximum]; (e) Prohibits password reuse for [Assignment: organization-defined number] generations; and (f) Allows the use of a temporary password for system logons with an immediate change to a permanent password. Supplemental Guidance: This control enhancement applies to single-factor authentication of individuals using passwords as individual or group authenticators, and in a similar manner, when passwords are part of multifactor authenticators. This control enhancement does not apply when passwords are used to unlock hardware authenticators (e.g., Personal Identity Verification cards). The implementation of such password mechanisms may not meet all of the requirements in the enhancement. Encrypted representations of passwords include, for example, encrypted versions of passwords and one-way cryptographic hashes of passwords. The number of changed characters refers to the number of changes required with respect to the total number of positions in the current password. Password lifetime restrictions do not apply to temporary passwords. Related control: IA-6. link 15
FedRAMP_Moderate_R4 IA-5 FedRAMP_Moderate_R4_IA-5 FedRAMP Moderate IA-5 Identification And Authentication Authenticator Management Shared n/a The organization manages information system authenticators by: a. Verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, or device receiving the authenticator; b. Establishing initial authenticator content for authenticators defined by the organization; c. Ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use; d. Establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost/compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators; e. Changing default content of authenticators prior to information system installation; f. Establishing minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators; g. Changing/refreshing authenticators [Assignment: organization-defined time period by authenticator type]; h. Protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification; i. Requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific security safeguards to protect authenticators; and j. Changing authenticators for group/role accounts when membership to those accounts changes. Supplemental Guidance: Individual authenticators include, for example, passwords, tokens, biometrics, PKI certificates, and key cards. Initial authenticator content is the actual content (e.g., the initial password) as opposed to requirements about authenticator content (e.g., minimum password length). In many cases, developers ship information system components with factory default authentication credentials to allow for initial installation and configuration. Default authentication credentials are often well known, easily discoverable, and present a significant security risk. The requirement to protect individual authenticators may be implemented via control PL-4 or PS-6 for authenticators in the possession of individuals and by controls AC-3, AC-6, and SC-28 for authenticators stored within organizational information systems (e.g., passwords stored in hashed or encrypted formats, files containing encrypted or hashed passwords accessible with administrator privileges). Information systems support individual authenticator management by organization-defined settings and restrictions for various authenticator characteristics including, for example, minimum password length, password composition, validation time window for time synchronous one-time tokens, and number of allowed rejections during the verification stage of biometric authentication. Specific actions that can be taken to safeguard authenticators include, for example, maintaining possession of individual authenticators, not loaning or sharing individual authenticators with others, and reporting lost, stolen, or compromised authenticators immediately. Authenticator management includes issuing and revoking, when no longer needed, authenticators for temporary access such as that required for remote maintenance. Device authenticators include, for example, certificates and passwords. Related controls: AC-2, AC-3, AC-6, CM-6, IA-2, IA-4, IA-8, PL-4, PS-5, PS-6, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-28. References: OMB Memoranda 04-04, 11-11; FIPS Publication 201; NIST Special Publications 800-73, 800-63, 800-76, 800-78; FICAM Roadmap and Implementation Guidance link 18
FedRAMP_Moderate_R4 IA-5(1) FedRAMP_Moderate_R4_IA-5(1) FedRAMP Moderate IA-5 (1) Identification And Authentication Password-Based Authentication Shared n/a The information system, for password-based authentication: (a) Enforces minimum password complexity of [Assignment: organization-defined requirements for case sensitivity, number of characters, mix of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters, including minimum requirements for each type]; (b) Enforces at least the following number of changed characters when new passwords are created: [Assignment: organization-defined number]; (c) Stores and transmits only encrypted representations of passwords; (d) Enforces password minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions of [Assignment: organization- defined numbers for lifetime minimum, lifetime maximum]; (e) Prohibits password reuse for [Assignment: organization-defined number] generations; and (f) Allows the use of a temporary password for system logons with an immediate change to a permanent password. Supplemental Guidance: This control enhancement applies to single-factor authentication of individuals using passwords as individual or group authenticators, and in a similar manner, when passwords are part of multifactor authenticators. This control enhancement does not apply when passwords are used to unlock hardware authenticators (e.g., Personal Identity Verification cards). The implementation of such password mechanisms may not meet all of the requirements in the enhancement. Encrypted representations of passwords include, for example, encrypted versions of passwords and one-way cryptographic hashes of passwords. The number of changed characters refers to the number of changes required with respect to the total number of positions in the current password. Password lifetime restrictions do not apply to temporary passwords. Related control: IA-6. link 15
IRS_1075_9.3 .7.5 IRS_1075_9.3.7.5 IRS 1075 Identification and Authentication Authenticator Management (IA-5) n/a The agency must manage information system authenticators by: a. Verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, or device receiving the authenticator b. Establishing initial authenticator content for authenticators defined by the agency c. Ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use d. Establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost/compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators e. Changing default content of authenticators prior to information system installation f. Establishing minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators g. Changing/refreshing authenticators h. Protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification i. Requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific security safeguards to protect authenticators j. Changing authenticators for group/role accounts when membership to those accounts changes The information system must, for password-based authentication: a. Enforce minimum password complexity of: 1. Eight characters 2. At least one numeric and at least one special character 3. A mixture of at least one uppercase and at least one lowercase letter 4. Storing and transmitting only encrypted representations of passwords b. Enforce password minimum lifetime restriction of one day c. Enforce non-privileged account passwords to be changed at least every 90 days d. Enforce privileged account passwords to be changed at least every 60 days e. Prohibit password reuse for 24 generations f. Allow the use of a temporary password for system logon requiring an immediate change to a permanent password g. Password-protect system initialization (boot) settings link 12
ISO27001-2013 A.9.2.4 ISO27001-2013_A.9.2.4 ISO 27001:2013 A.9.2.4 Access Control Management of secret authentication information of users Shared n/a The allocation of secret authentication information shall be controlled through a formal management process. link 21
NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3 .5.10 NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3.5.10 NIST SP 800-171 R2 3.5.10 Identification and Authentication Store and transmit only cryptographically-protected passwords. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Cryptographically-protected passwords use salted one-way cryptographic hashes of passwords. See [NIST CRYPTO]. link 9
NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3 .5.2 NIST_SP_800-171_R2_3.5.2 NIST SP 800-171 R2 3.5.2 Identification and Authentication Authenticate (or verify) the identities of users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to allowing access to organizational systems. Shared Microsoft and the customer share responsibilities for implementing this requirement. Individual authenticators include the following: passwords, key cards, cryptographic devices, and one-time password devices. Initial authenticator content is the actual content of the authenticator, for example, the initial password. In contrast, the requirements about authenticator content include the minimum password length. Developers ship system components with factory default authentication credentials to allow for initial installation and configuration. Default authentication credentials are often well known, easily discoverable, and present a significant security risk. Systems support authenticator management by organization-defined settings and restrictions for various authenticator characteristics including minimum password length, validation time window for time synchronous one-time tokens, and number of allowed rejections during the verification stage of biometric authentication. Authenticator management includes issuing and revoking, when no longer needed, authenticators for temporary access such as that required for remote maintenance. Device authenticators include certificates and passwords. [SP 800-63-3] provides guidance on digital identities. link 24
NIST_SP_800-53_R4 IA-5 NIST_SP_800-53_R4_IA-5 NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 IA-5 Identification And Authentication Authenticator Management Shared n/a The organization manages information system authenticators by: a. Verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, or device receiving the authenticator; b. Establishing initial authenticator content for authenticators defined by the organization; c. Ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use; d. Establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost/compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators; e. Changing default content of authenticators prior to information system installation; f. Establishing minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions and reuse conditions for authenticators; g. Changing/refreshing authenticators [Assignment: organization-defined time period by authenticator type]; h. Protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification; i. Requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific security safeguards to protect authenticators; and j. Changing authenticators for group/role accounts when membership to those accounts changes. Supplemental Guidance: Individual authenticators include, for example, passwords, tokens, biometrics, PKI certificates, and key cards. Initial authenticator content is the actual content (e.g., the initial password) as opposed to requirements about authenticator content (e.g., minimum password length). In many cases, developers ship information system components with factory default authentication credentials to allow for initial installation and configuration. Default authentication credentials are often well known, easily discoverable, and present a significant security risk. The requirement to protect individual authenticators may be implemented via control PL-4 or PS-6 for authenticators in the possession of individuals and by controls AC-3, AC-6, and SC-28 for authenticators stored within organizational information systems (e.g., passwords stored in hashed or encrypted formats, files containing encrypted or hashed passwords accessible with administrator privileges). Information systems support individual authenticator management by organization-defined settings and restrictions for various authenticator characteristics including, for example, minimum password length, password composition, validation time window for time synchronous one-time tokens, and number of allowed rejections during the verification stage of biometric authentication. Specific actions that can be taken to safeguard authenticators include, for example, maintaining possession of individual authenticators, not loaning or sharing individual authenticators with others, and reporting lost, stolen, or compromised authenticators immediately. Authenticator management includes issuing and revoking, when no longer needed, authenticators for temporary access such as that required for remote maintenance. Device authenticators include, for example, certificates and passwords. Related controls: AC-2, AC-3, AC-6, CM-6, IA-2, IA-4, IA-8, PL-4, PS-5, PS-6, SC-12, SC-13, SC-17, SC-28. References: OMB Memoranda 04-04, 11-11; FIPS Publication 201; NIST Special Publications 800-73, 800-63, 800-76, 800-78; FICAM Roadmap and Implementation Guidance link 18
NIST_SP_800-53_R4 IA-5(1) NIST_SP_800-53_R4_IA-5(1) NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 IA-5 (1) Identification And Authentication Password-Based Authentication Shared n/a The information system, for password-based authentication: (a) Enforces minimum password complexity of [Assignment: organization-defined requirements for case sensitivity, number of characters, mix of upper-case letters, lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters, including minimum requirements for each type]; (b) Enforces at least the following number of changed characters when new passwords are created: [Assignment: organization-defined number]; (c) Stores and transmits only encrypted representations of passwords; (d) Enforces password minimum and maximum lifetime restrictions of [Assignment: organization- defined numbers for lifetime minimum, lifetime maximum]; (e) Prohibits password reuse for [Assignment: organization-defined number] generations; and (f) Allows the use of a temporary password for system logons with an immediate change to a permanent password. Supplemental Guidance: This control enhancement applies to single-factor authentication of individuals using passwords as individual or group authenticators, and in a similar manner, when passwords are part of multifactor authenticators. This control enhancement does not apply when passwords are used to unlock hardware authenticators (e.g., Personal Identity Verification cards). The implementation of such password mechanisms may not meet all of the requirements in the enhancement. Encrypted representations of passwords include, for example, encrypted versions of passwords and one-way cryptographic hashes of passwords. The number of changed characters refers to the number of changes required with respect to the total number of positions in the current password. Password lifetime restrictions do not apply to temporary passwords. Related control: IA-6. link 15
NIST_SP_800-53_R5 IA-5 NIST_SP_800-53_R5_IA-5 NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 IA-5 Identification and Authentication Authenticator Management Shared n/a Manage system authenticators by: a. Verifying, as part of the initial authenticator distribution, the identity of the individual, group, role, service, or device receiving the authenticator; b. Establishing initial authenticator content for any authenticators issued by the organization; c. Ensuring that authenticators have sufficient strength of mechanism for their intended use; d. Establishing and implementing administrative procedures for initial authenticator distribution, for lost or compromised or damaged authenticators, and for revoking authenticators; e. Changing default authenticators prior to first use; f. Changing or refreshing authenticators [Assignment: organization-defined time period by authenticator type] or when [Assignment: organization-defined events] occur; g. Protecting authenticator content from unauthorized disclosure and modification; h. Requiring individuals to take, and having devices implement, specific controls to protect authenticators; and i. Changing authenticators for group or role accounts when membership to those accounts changes. link 18
NIST_SP_800-53_R5 IA-5(1) NIST_SP_800-53_R5_IA-5(1) NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 IA-5 (1) Identification and Authentication Password-based Authentication Shared n/a For password-based authentication: (a) Maintain a list of commonly-used, expected, or compromised passwords and update the list [Assignment: organization-defined frequency] and when organizational passwords are suspected to have been compromised directly or indirectly; (b) Verify, when users create or update passwords, that the passwords are not found on the list of commonly-used, expected, or compromised passwords in IA-5(1)(a); (c) Transmit passwords only over cryptographically-protected channels; (d) Store passwords using an approved salted key derivation function, preferably using a keyed hash; (e) Require immediate selection of a new password upon account recovery; (f) Allow user selection of long passwords and passphrases, including spaces and all printable characters; (g) Employ automated tools to assist the user in selecting strong password authenticators; and (h) Enforce the following composition and complexity rules: [Assignment: organization-defined composition and complexity rules]. link 15
op.acc.1 Identification op.acc.1 Identification 404 not found n/a n/a 66
op.acc.5 Authentication mechanism (external users) op.acc.5 Authentication mechanism (external users) 404 not found n/a n/a 72
op.exp.10 Cryptographic key protection op.exp.10 Cryptographic key protection 404 not found n/a n/a 53
SWIFT_CSCF_v2021 2.3 SWIFT_CSCF_v2021_2.3 SWIFT CSCF v2021 2.3 Reduce Attack Surface and Vulnerabilities System Hardening n/a Reduce the cyber attack surface of SWIFT-related components by performing system hardening. link 5
SWIFT_CSCF_v2022 2.3 SWIFT_CSCF_v2022_2.3 SWIFT CSCF v2022 2.3 2. Reduce Attack Surface and Vulnerabilities Reduce the cyber-attack surface of SWIFT-related components by performing system hardening. Shared n/a Security hardening is conducted and maintained on all in-scope components. link 25
UK_NCSC_CSP 10 UK_NCSC_CSP_10 UK NCSC CSP 10 Identity and authentication Identity and authentication Shared n/a All access to service interfaces should be constrained to authenticated and authorised individuals. link 25
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type
[Deprecated]: DoD Impact Level 4 8d792a84-723c-4d92-a3c3-e4ed16a2d133 Regulatory Compliance Deprecated BuiltIn
[Preview]: CMMC 2.0 Level 2 4e50fd13-098b-3206-61d6-d1d78205cb45 Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn
[Preview]: SWIFT CSP-CSCF v2020 3e0c67fc-8c7c-406c-89bd-6b6bdc986a22 Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn
[Preview]: SWIFT CSP-CSCF v2021 abf84fac-f817-a70c-14b5-47eec767458a Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn
Audit machines with insecure password security settings 095e4ed9-c835-4ab6-9439-b5644362a06c Guest Configuration GA BuiltIn
Canada Federal PBMM 4c4a5f27-de81-430b-b4e5-9cbd50595a87 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
CMMC Level 3 b5629c75-5c77-4422-87b9-2509e680f8de Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
FedRAMP High d5264498-16f4-418a-b659-fa7ef418175f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
FedRAMP Moderate e95f5a9f-57ad-4d03-bb0b-b1d16db93693 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
HITRUST/HIPAA a169a624-5599-4385-a696-c8d643089fab Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
IRS1075 September 2016 105e0327-6175-4eb2-9af4-1fba43bdb39d Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
ISO 27001:2013 89c6cddc-1c73-4ac1-b19c-54d1a15a42f2 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
NIST SP 800-171 Rev. 2 03055927-78bd-4236-86c0-f36125a10dc9 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 4 cf25b9c1-bd23-4eb6-bd2c-f4f3ac644a5f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
NIST SP 800-53 Rev. 5 179d1daa-458f-4e47-8086-2a68d0d6c38f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
Spain ENS 175daf90-21e1-4fec-b745-7b4c909aa94c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
SWIFT CSP-CSCF v2022 7bc7cd6c-4114-ff31-3cac-59be3157596d Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
UK OFFICIAL and UK NHS 3937f550-eedd-4639-9c5e-294358be442e Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2024-01-22 17:47:54 change Minor (3.0.0 > 3.1.0)
2022-03-25 18:52:24 change Major (2.0.0 > 3.0.0)
2022-01-28 17:51:01 change Major (1.2.0 > 2.0.0)
2021-12-06 22:17:57 change Minor (1.1.0 > 1.2.0)
2021-10-04 15:27:15 change Minor (1.0.0 > 1.1.0)
2020-09-09 11:24:03 add e6955644-301c-44b5-a4c4-528577de6861
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: