last sync: 2025-Feb-10 21:12:28 UTC

SQL Server should use a virtual network service endpoint

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name SQL Server should use a virtual network service endpoint
Id ae5d2f14-d830-42b6-9899-df6cfe9c71a3
Version 1.0.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 1
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category Network
Microsoft Learn
Description This policy audits any SQL Server not configured to use a virtual network service endpoint.
Cloud environments AzureCloud = true
AzureUSGovernment = unknown
AzureChinaCloud = unknown
Available in AzUSGov Unknown, no evidence if Policy definition is/not available in AzureUSGovernment
Mode Indexed
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
AuditIfNotExists, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases THEN-ExistenceCondition (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Sql/servers/virtualNetworkRules/virtualNetworkSubnetId Microsoft.Sql servers/virtualNetworkRules properties.virtualNetworkSubnetId True False
Rule resource types IF (1)
The following 60 compliance controls are associated with this Policy definition 'SQL Server should use a virtual network service endpoint' (ae5d2f14-d830-42b6-9899-df6cfe9c71a3)
Control Domain Control Name MetadataId Category Title Owner Requirements Description Info Policy#
Azure_Security_Benchmark_v1.0 1.1 Azure_Security_Benchmark_v1.0_1.1 Azure Security Benchmark 1.1 Network Security Protect resources using Network Security Groups or Azure Firewall on your Virtual Network Customer Ensure that all Virtual Network subnet deployments have a Network Security Group applied with network access controls specific to your application's trusted ports and sources. Use Azure Services with Private Link enabled, deploy the service inside your Vnet, or connect privately using Private Endpoints. For service specific requirements, please refer to the security recommendation for that specific service. Alternatively, if you have a specific use case, requirements can be met by implementing Azure Firewall. General Information on Private Link: How to create a Virtual Network: How to create an NSG with a security configuration: How to deploy and configure Azure Firewall: n/a link 20
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 CA_3 Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_CA_3 Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 CA 3 Information System Connections System Interconnections Shared 1. The organization authorizes connection from information system to other information system through the use of Interconnection Security Agreements. 2. The organization documents, for each interconnection, the interface characteristics, security requirements, and the nature of the information communicated. 3. The organization reviews and updates Interconnection Security Agreements annually. To establish and maintain secure connections between information systems. 77
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 CA_3(3) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_CA_3(3) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 CA 3(3) Information System Connections System Interconnections | Classified Non-National Security System Connections Shared The organization prohibits the direct connection of any internal network or system to an external network without the use of security controls approved by the information owner. To ensure the integrity and security of internal systems against external threats. 77
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 CA_3(5) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_CA_3(5) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 CA 3(5) Information System Connections System Interconnections | Restrictions on External Network Connections Shared The organization employs allow-all, deny-by-exception; deny-all policy for allowing any systems to connect to external information systems. To enhance security posture against unauthorized access. 77
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 CA_7 Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_CA_7 Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 CA 7 Continuous Monitoring Continuous Monitoring Shared 1. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes establishment of organization-defined metrics to be monitored. 2. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes establishment of at least monthly monitoring and assessments of at least operating system scans, database, and web application scan. 3. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes ongoing security control assessments in accordance with the organizational continuous monitoring strategy. 4. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes ongoing security status monitoring of organization-defined metrics in accordance with the organizational continuous monitoring strategy. 5. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes correlation and analysis of security-related information generated by assessments and monitoring. 6. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes response actions to address results of the analysis of security-related information. 7. The organization develops a continuous monitoring strategy and implements a continuous monitoring program that includes reporting the security status of organization and the information system to organization-defined personnel or roles at organization-defined frequency. To ensure the ongoing effectiveness of security controls and maintain the security posture in alignment with organizational objectives and requirements. 125
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_3 Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_3 Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 3 Malicious Code Protection Malicious Code Protection Shared 1. The organization employs malicious code protection mechanisms at information system entry and exit points to detect and eradicate malicious code. 2. The organization updates malicious code protection mechanisms whenever new releases are available in accordance with organizational configuration management policy and procedures. 3. The organization configures malicious code protection mechanisms to: a. Perform periodic scans of the information system at least weekly and real-time scans of files from external sources at endpoints and network entry/exit points as the files are downloaded, opened, or executed in accordance with organizational security policy; and b. Block and quarantine malicious code; send alert to the key role as defined in the system and information integrity policy in response to malicious code detection. 4. The organization addresses the receipt of false positives during malicious code detection and eradication and the resulting potential impact on the availability of the information system. To mitigate potential impacts on system availability. 52
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_3(1) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_3(1) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 3(1) Malicious Code Protection Malicious Code Protection | Central Management Shared The organization centrally manages malicious code protection mechanisms. To centrally manage malicious code protection mechanisms. 51
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_3(2) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_3(2) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 3(2) Malicious Code Protection Malicious Code Protection | Automatic Updates Shared The information system automatically updates malicious code protection mechanisms. To ensure automatic updates in malicious code protection mechanisms. 51
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_3(7) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_3(7) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 3(7) Malicious Code Protection Malicious Code Protection | Non Signature-Based Detection Shared The information system implements non-signature-based malicious code detection mechanisms. To enhance overall security posture. 51
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_4 Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_4 Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 4 Information System Monitoring Information System Monitoring Shared 1. The organization monitors the information system to detect: a. Attacks and indicators of potential attacks in accordance with organization-defined monitoring objectives; and b. Unauthorized local, network, and remote connections; 2. The organization identifies unauthorized use of the information system through organization-defined techniques and methods. 3. The organization deploys monitoring devices: (i) strategically within the information system to collect organization-determined essential information; and (ii) at ad hoc locations within the system to track specific types of transactions of interest to the organization. 4. The organization protects information obtained from intrusion-monitoring tools from unauthorized access, modification, and deletion. 5. The organization heightens the level of information system monitoring activity whenever there is an indication of increased risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, or Canada based on law enforcement information, intelligence information, or other credible sources of information. 6. The organization obtains legal opinion with regard to information system monitoring activities in accordance with organizational policies, directives and standards. 7. The organization provides organization-defined information system monitoring information to organization-defined personnel or roles at an organization-defined frequency. To enhance overall security posture. 95
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_4(1) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_4(1) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 4(1) Information System Monitoring Information System Monitoring | System-Wide Intrusion Detection System Shared The organization connects and configures individual intrusion detection tools into an information system-wide intrusion detection system. To enhance overall security posture. 95
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_4(2) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_4(2) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 4(2) Information System Monitoring Information System Monitoring | Automated Tools for Real-Time Analysis Shared The organization employs automated tools to support near real-time analysis of events. To enhance overall security posture. 94
Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020 SI_8(1) Canada_Federal_PBMM_3-1-2020_SI_8(1) Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 SI 8(1) Spam Protection Spam Protection | Central Management of Protection Mechanisms Shared The organization centrally manages spam protection mechanisms. To enhance overall security posture. 88
CIS_Controls_v8.1 16.14 CIS_Controls_v8.1_16.14 CIS Controls v8.1 16.14 Application Software Security Conduct threat modeling Shared 1. Conduct threat modeling. 2. Threat modeling is the process of identifying and addressing application security design flaws within a design, before code is created. 3. It is conducted through specially trained individuals who evaluate the application design and gauge security risks for each entry point and access level. 4. The goal is to map out the application, architecture, and infrastructure in a structured way to understand its weaknesses. To mitigate security risks at entry points and access levels. 3
CMMC_L2_v1.9.0 SC.L1_3.13.1 CMMC_L2_v1.9.0_SC.L1_3.13.1 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 SC.L1 3.13.1 System and Communications Protection Boundary Protection Shared Monitor, control, and protect organizational communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational information systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of the information systems. To protect information assets from external attacks and insider threats. 43
CMMC_L2_v1.9.0 SC.L1_3.13.5 CMMC_L2_v1.9.0_SC.L1_3.13.5 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 SC.L1 3.13.5 System and Communications Protection Public Access System Separation Shared Implement subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are physically or logically separated from internal networks. To control access, monitor traffic, and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or exploitation of internal resources. 43
CSA_v4.0.12 DSP_05 CSA_v4.0.12_DSP_05 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 DSP 05 Data Security and Privacy Lifecycle Management Data Flow Documentation Shared n/a Create data flow documentation to identify what data is processed, stored or transmitted where. Review data flow documentation at defined intervals, at least annually, and after any change. 57
CSA_v4.0.12 DSP_10 CSA_v4.0.12_DSP_10 CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 DSP 10 Data Security and Privacy Lifecycle Management Sensitive Data Transfer Shared n/a Define, implement and evaluate processes, procedures and technical measures that ensure any transfer of personal or sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access and only processed within scope as permitted by the respective laws and regulations. 45
EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022 EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022_21 EU_2555_(NIS2)_2022_21 EU 2022/2555 (NIS2) 2022 21 Cybersecurity risk-management measures Shared n/a Requires essential and important entities to take appropriate measures to manage cybersecurity risks. 194
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 24 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._24 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 24 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Responsibility of the controller Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 25 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._25 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 25 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Data protection by design and by default Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 28 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._28 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 28 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Processor Shared n/a n/a 311
EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art. 32 EU_GDPR_2016_679_Art._32 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 Art. 32 Chapter 4 - Controller and processor Security of processing Shared n/a n/a 311
FBI_Criminal_Justice_Information_Services_v5.9.5_5 .1 FBI_Criminal_Justice_Information_Services_v5.9.5_5.1 FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) v5.9.5 5.1 Policy and Implementation - Systems And Communications Protection Systems And Communications Protection Shared In addition, applications, services, or information systems must have the capability to ensure system integrity through the detection and protection against unauthorized changes to software and information. Examples of systems and communications safeguards range from boundary and transmission protection to securing an agency's virtualized environment. 111
FFIEC_CAT_2017 3.1.1 FFIEC_CAT_2017_3.1.1 FFIEC CAT 2017 3.1.1 Cybersecurity Controls Infrastructure Management Shared n/a - Network perimeter defense tools (e.g., border router and firewall) are used. - Systems that are accessed from the Internet or by external parties are protected by firewalls or other similar devices. - All ports are monitored. - Up to date antivirus and anti-malware tools are used. - Systems configurations (for servers, desktops, routers, etc.) follow industry standards and are enforced. - Ports, functions, protocols and services are prohibited if no longer needed for business purposes. - Access to make changes to systems configurations (including virtual machines and hypervisors) is controlled and monitored. - Programs that can override system, object, network, virtual machine, and application controls are restricted. - System sessions are locked after a pre-defined period of inactivity and are terminated after pre-defined conditions are met. - Wireless network environments require security settings with strong encryption for authentication and transmission. (*N/A if there are no wireless networks.) 72
FFIEC_CAT_2017 4.1.1 FFIEC_CAT_2017_4.1.1 FFIEC CAT 2017 4.1.1 External Dependency Management Connections Shared n/a - The critical business processes that are dependent on external connectivity have been identified. - The institution ensures that third-party connections are authorized. - A network diagram is in place and identifies all external connections. - Data flow diagrams are in place and document information flow to external parties. 43
hipaa 0805.01m1Organizational.12-01.m hipaa-0805.01m1Organizational.12-01.m 0805.01m1Organizational.12-01.m 08 Network Protection 0805.01m1Organizational.12-01.m 01.04 Network Access Control Shared n/a The organization's security gateways (e.g., firewalls) (i) enforce security policies; (ii) are configured to filter traffic between domains; (iii) block unauthorized access; (iv) are used to maintain segregation between internal wired, internal wireless, and external network segments (e.g., the Internet), including DMZs; and, (vi) enforce access control policies for each of the domains. 12
hipaa 0806.01m2Organizational.12356-01.m hipaa-0806.01m2Organizational.12356-01.m 0806.01m2Organizational.12356-01.m 08 Network Protection 0806.01m2Organizational.12356-01.m 01.04 Network Access Control Shared n/a The organization’s network is logically and physically segmented with a defined security perimeter and a graduated set of controls, including subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are logically separated from the internal network, based on organizational requirements; traffic is controlled based on functionality required and classification of the data/systems based on a risk assessment and their respective security requirements. 13
hipaa 0862.09m2Organizational.8-09.m hipaa-0862.09m2Organizational.8-09.m 0862.09m2Organizational.8-09.m 08 Network Protection 0862.09m2Organizational.8-09.m 09.06 Network Security Management Shared n/a The organization ensures information systems protect the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information, including during preparation for transmission and during reception. 4
hipaa 0894.01m2Organizational.7-01.m hipaa-0894.01m2Organizational.7-01.m 0894.01m2Organizational.7-01.m 08 Network Protection 0894.01m2Organizational.7-01.m 01.04 Network Access Control Shared n/a Networks are segregated from production-level networks when migrating physical servers, applications, or data to virtualized servers. 19
HITRUST_CSF_v11.3 01.m HITRUST_CSF_v11.3_01.m HITRUST CSF v11.3 01.m Network Access Control To ensure segregation in networks. Shared Security gateways, internal network perimeters, wireless network segregation, firewalls, and logical network domains with controlled data flows to be implemented to enhance network security. Groups of information services, users, and information systems should be segregated on networks. 48
HITRUST_CSF_v11.3 01.n HITRUST_CSF_v11.3_01.n HITRUST CSF v11.3 01.n Network Access Control To prevent unauthorised access to shared networks. Shared Default deny policy at managed interfaces, restricted user connections through network gateways, comprehensive access controls, time-based restrictions, and encryption of sensitive information transmitted over public networks for is to be implemented for enhanced security. For shared networks, especially those extending across the organization’s boundaries, the capability of users to connect to the network shall be restricted, in line with the access control policy and requirements of the business applications. 55
NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3 .13.1 NIST_SP_800-171_R3_3.13.1 NIST 800-171 R3 3.13.1 System and Communications Protection Control Boundary Protection Shared Managed interfaces include gateways, routers, firewalls, network-based malicious code analysis, virtualization systems, and encrypted tunnels implemented within a security architecture. Subnetworks that are either physically or logically separated from internal networks are referred to as demilitarized zones or DMZs. Restricting or prohibiting interfaces within organizational systems includes restricting external web traffic to designated web servers within managed interfaces, prohibiting external traffic that appears to be spoofing internal addresses, and prohibiting internal traffic that appears to be spoofing external addresses. a. Monitor and control communications at the external managed interfaces to the system and at key internal managed interfaces within the system. b. Implement subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are physically or logically separated from internal networks. c. Connect to external systems only through managed interfaces consisting of boundary protection devices arranged in accordance with an organizational security architecture. 43
NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1 SC.32 NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1_SC.32 NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 SC.32 System and Communications Protection System Partitioning Shared Partition the system into [Assignment: organization-defined system components] residing in separate [Selection: physical; logical] domains or environments based on [Assignment: organization-defined circumstances for physical or logical separation of components]. System partitioning is part of a defense-in-depth protection strategy. Organizations determine the degree of physical separation of system components. Physical separation options include physically distinct components in separate racks in the same room, critical components in separate rooms, and geographical separation of critical components. Security categorization can guide the selection of candidates for domain partitioning. Managed interfaces restrict or prohibit network access and information flow among partitioned system components. 3
NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1 SC.7 NIST_SP_800-53_R5.1.1_SC.7 NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 SC.7 System and Communications Protection Boundary Protection Shared a. Monitor and control communications at the external managed interfaces to the system and at key internal managed interfaces within the system; b. Implement subnetworks for publicly accessible system components that are [Selection: physically; logically] separated from internal organizational networks; and c. Connect to external networks or systems only through managed interfaces consisting of boundary protection devices arranged in accordance with an organizational security and privacy architecture. Managed interfaces include gateways, routers, firewalls, guards, network-based malicious code analysis, virtualization systems, or encrypted tunnels implemented within a security architecture. Subnetworks that are physically or logically separated from internal networks are referred to as demilitarized zones or DMZs. Restricting or prohibiting interfaces within organizational systems includes restricting external web traffic to designated web servers within managed interfaces, prohibiting external traffic that appears to be spoofing internal addresses, and prohibiting internal traffic that appears to be spoofing external addresses. Commercial telecommunications services are provided by network components and consolidated management systems shared by customers. These services may also include third party-provided access lines and other service elements. Such services may represent sources of increased risk despite contract security provisions. Boundary protection may be implemented as a common control for all or part of an organizational network such that the boundary to be protected is greater than a system-specific boundary (i.e., an authorization boundary). 43
NZISM_v3.7 14.3.10.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_14.3.10.C.01. NZISM v3.7 14.3.10.C.01. Web Applications 14.3.10.C.01. - To maintain control over network traffic and reduces the likelihood of exposure to malicious content or activities. Shared n/a Agencies SHOULD implement allow listing for all HTTP traffic being communicated through their gateways. 24
NZISM_v3.7 14.3.10.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_14.3.10.C.02. NZISM v3.7 14.3.10.C.02. Web Applications 14.3.10.C.02. - To maintain control over network traffic and reduces the likelihood of exposure to malicious content or activities. Shared n/a Agencies using an allow list on their gateways to specify the external addresses, to which encrypted connections are permitted, SHOULD specify allow list addresses by domain name or IP address. 23
NZISM_v3.7 14.3.10.C.03. NZISM_v3.7_14.3.10.C.03. NZISM v3.7 14.3.10.C.03. Web Applications 14.3.10.C.03. - To maintain control over network traffic and reduces the likelihood of exposure to malicious content or activities. Shared n/a If agencies do not allow list websites they SHOULD deny list websites to prevent access to known malicious websites. 22
NZISM_v3.7 14.3.10.C.04. NZISM_v3.7_14.3.10.C.04. NZISM v3.7 14.3.10.C.04. Web Applications 14.3.10.C.04. - To maintain control over network traffic and reduces the likelihood of exposure to malicious content or activities. Shared n/a Agencies deny listing websites SHOULD update the deny list on a frequent basis to ensure that it remains effective. 22
NZISM_v3.7 17.8.10.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_17.8.10.C.02. NZISM v3.7 17.8.10.C.02. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) 17.8.10.C.02. - To enhance overall cybersecurity posture. Shared n/a Agencies choosing to use transport mode SHOULD additionally use an IP tunnel for IPSec connections. 35
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.10.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.10.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.1.10.C.01. Gateways 19.1.10.C.01. - To ensure that the security requirements are consistently upheld throughout the network hierarchy, from the lowest to the highest networks. Shared n/a When agencies have cascaded connections between networks involving multiple gateways they MUST ensure that the assurance levels specified for network devices between the overall lowest and highest networks are met by the gateway between the highest network and the next highest network within the cascaded connection. 50
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.11.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.11.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.1.11.C.01. Gateways 19.1.11.C.01. - To ensure network protection through gateway mechanisms. Shared n/a Agencies MUST ensure that: 1. all agency networks are protected from networks in other security domains by one or more gateways; 2. all gateways contain mechanisms to filter or limit data flow at the network and content level to only the information necessary for business purposes; and 3. all gateway components, discrete and virtual, are physically located within an appropriately secured server room. 49
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.11.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.11.C.02. NZISM v3.7 19.1.11.C.02. Gateways 19.1.11.C.02. - To maintain security and integrity across domains. Shared n/a For gateways between networks in different security domains, any shared components MUST be managed by the system owners of the highest security domain or by a mutually agreed party. 48
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.12.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.12.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.1.12.C.01. Gateways 19.1.12.C.01. - To minimize security risks and ensure effective control over network communications Shared n/a Agencies MUST ensure that gateways: 1. are the only communications paths into and out of internal networks; 2. by default, deny all connections into and out of the network; 3. allow only explicitly authorised connections; 4. are managed via a secure path isolated from all connected networks (i.e. physically at the gateway or on a dedicated administration network); 5. provide sufficient logging and audit capabilities to detect information security incidents, attempted intrusions or anomalous usage patterns; and 6. provide real-time alerts. 47
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.14.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.14.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.1.14.C.01. Gateways 19.1.14.C.01. - To enhance security by segregating resources from the internal network. Shared n/a Agencies MUST use demilitarised zones to house systems and information directly accessed externally. 40
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.14.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.14.C.02. NZISM v3.7 19.1.14.C.02. Gateways 19.1.14.C.02. - To enhance security by segregating resources from the internal network. Shared n/a Agencies SHOULD use demilitarised zones to house systems and information directly accessed externally. 39
NZISM_v3.7 19.1.19.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.1.19.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.1.19.C.01. Gateways 19.1.19.C.01. - To enhance security posture. Shared n/a Agencies MUST limit access to gateway administration functions. 34
NZISM_v3.7 19.2.16.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_19.2.16.C.02. NZISM v3.7 19.2.16.C.02. Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) 19.2.16.C.02. - To maintain security and prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information. Shared n/a Agencies MUST NOT implement a gateway permitting data to flow directly from: 1. a TOP SECRET network to any network below SECRET; 2. a SECRET network to an UNCLASSIFIED network; or 3. a CONFIDENTIAL network to an UNCLASSIFIED network. 34
NZISM_v3.7 19.2.18.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.2.18.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.2.18.C.01. Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) 19.2.18.C.01. - To enhance data security and prevent unauthorized access or leakage between classified networks and less classified networks. Shared n/a Agencies MUST ensure that all bi-directional gateways between TOP SECRET and SECRET networks, SECRET and less classified networks, and CONFIDENTIAL and less classified networks, have separate upward and downward paths which use a diode and physically separate infrastructure for each path. 34
NZISM_v3.7 19.2.19.C.01. NZISM_v3.7_19.2.19.C.01. NZISM v3.7 19.2.19.C.01. Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) 19.2.19.C.01. - To ensure the integrity and reliability of information accessed or received. Shared n/a Trusted sources MUST be: 1. a strictly limited list derived from business requirements and the result of a security risk assessment; 2. where necessary an appropriate security clearance is held; and 3. approved by the Accreditation Authority. 34
NZISM_v3.7 19.2.19.C.02. NZISM_v3.7_19.2.19.C.02. NZISM v3.7 19.2.19.C.02. Cross Domain Solutions (CDS) 19.2.19.C.02. - To reduce the risk of unauthorized data transfers and potential breaches. Shared n/a Trusted sources MUST authorise all data to be exported from a security domain. 29
PCI_DSS_v4.0.1 1.4.4 PCI_DSS_v4.0.1_1.4.4 PCI DSS v4.0.1 1.4.4 Install and Maintain Network Security Controls System components that store cardholder data are not directly accessible from untrusted networks Shared n/a Examine the data-flow diagram and network diagram to verify that it is documented that system components storing cardholder data are not directly accessible from the untrusted networks. Examine configurations of NSCs to verify that controls are implemented such that system components storing cardholder data are not directly accessible from untrusted networks 43
RMiT_v1.0 10.39 RMiT_v1.0_10.39 RMiT 10.39 Network Resilience Network Resilience - 10.39 Shared n/a A financial institution must implement appropriate safeguards to minimise the risk of a system compromise in one entity affecting other entities within the group. Safeguards implemented may include establishing logical network segmentation for the financial institution from other entities within the group. link 3
SOC_2023 CC2.3 SOC_2023_CC2.3 SOC 2023 CC2.3 Information and Communication To facilitate effective internal communication. Shared n/a Entity to communicate with external parties regarding matters affecting the functioning of internal control. 219
SOC_2023 CC5.3 SOC_2023_CC5.3 SOC 2023 CC5.3 Control Activities To maintain alignment with organizational objectives and regulatory requirements. Shared n/a Entity deploys control activities through policies that establish what is expected and in procedures that put policies into action by establishing Policies and Procedures to Support Deployment of Management’s Directives, Responsibility and Accountability for Executing Policies and Procedures, perform tasks in a timely manner, taking corrective actions, perform using competent personnel and reassess policies and procedures. 230
SOC_2023 CC7.4 SOC_2023_CC7.4 SOC 2023 CC7.4 Systems Operations To effectively manage security incidents, minimize their impact, and protect assets, operations, and reputation. Shared n/a The entity responds to identified security incidents by: a. Executing a defined incident-response program to understand, contain, remediate, and communicate security incidents by assigning roles and responsibilities; b. Establishing procedures to contain security incidents; c. Mitigating ongoing security incidents, End Threats Posed by Security Incidents; d. Restoring operations; e. Developing and Implementing Communication Protocols for Security Incidents; f. Obtains Understanding of Nature of Incident and Determines Containment Strategy; g. Remediation Identified Vulnerabilities; h. Communicating Remediation Activities; and, i. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Incident Response and periodic incident evaluations. 214
SWIFT_CSCF_2024 1.1 SWIFT_CSCF_2024_1.1 SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 1.1 Physical and Environmental Security Swift Environment Protection Shared 1. Segmentation between the user's Swift infrastructure and the larger enterprise network reduces the attack surface and has shown to be an effective way to defend against cyber-attacks that commonly involve a compromise of the general enterprise IT environment. 2. Effective segmentation includes network-level separation, access restrictions, and connectivity restrictions. To ensure the protection of the user’s Swift infrastructure from potentially compromised elements of the general IT environment and external environment. 69
SWIFT_CSCF_2024 1.5 SWIFT_CSCF_2024_1.5 SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 1.5 Physical and Environmental Security Customer Environment Protection Shared 1. Segmentation between the customer’s connectivity infrastructure and its larger enterprise network reduces the attack surface and has shown to be an effective way to defend against cyber-attacks that commonly involve compromise of the general enterprise IT environment. 2. Effective segmentation will include network-level separation, access restrictions, and connectivity restrictions. To ensure the protection of the customer’s connectivity infrastructure from external environment and potentially compromised elements of the general IT environment. 57
SWIFT_CSCF_2024 9.1 SWIFT_CSCF_2024_9.1 404 not found n/a n/a 57
SWIFT_CSCF_v2021 1.1 SWIFT_CSCF_v2021_1.1 SWIFT CSCF v2021 1.1 SWIFT Environment Protection SWIFT Environment Protection n/a Ensure the protection of the user's local SWIFT infrastructure from potentially compromised elements of the general IT environment and external environment. link 28
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type polSet in AzUSGov
[Deprecated]: Azure Security Benchmark v1 42a694ed-f65e-42b2-aa9e-8052e9740a92 Regulatory Compliance Deprecated BuiltIn true
[Preview]: Control the use of Microsoft SQL in a Virtual Enclave 0fbe78a5-1722-4f1b-83a5-89c14151fa60 VirtualEnclaves Preview BuiltIn true
[Preview]: SWIFT CSP-CSCF v2021 abf84fac-f817-a70c-14b5-47eec767458a Regulatory Compliance Preview BuiltIn unknown
Canada Federal PBMM 3-1-2020 f8f5293d-df94-484a-a3e7-6b422a999d91 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
CIS Controls v8.1 046796ef-e8a7-4398-bbe9-cce970b1a3ae Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
CSA CSA Cloud Controls Matrix v4.0.12 8791506a-dec4-497a-a83f-3abfde37c400 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Level 2 v1.9.0 a4087154-2edb-4329-b56a-1cc986807f3c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
EU 2022/2555 (NIS2) 2022 42346945-b531-41d8-9e46-f95057672e88 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 7326812a-86a4-40c8-af7c-8945de9c4913 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) v5.9.5 4fcabc2a-30b2-4ba5-9fbb-b1a4e08fb721 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
FFIEC CAT 2017 1d5dbdd5-6f93-43ce-a939-b19df3753cf7 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
HITRUST CSF v11.3 e0d47b75-5d99-442a-9d60-07f2595ab095 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
HITRUST/HIPAA a169a624-5599-4385-a696-c8d643089fab Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NIST 800-171 R3 38916c43-6876-4971-a4b1-806aa7e55ccc Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NIST SP 800-53 R5.1.1 60205a79-6280-4e20-a147-e2011e09dc78 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
NZISM v3.7 4476df0a-18ab-4bfe-b6ad-cccae1cf320f Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
PCI DSS v4.0.1 a06d5deb-24aa-4991-9d58-fa7563154e31 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
RMIT Malaysia 97a6d4f1-3bed-4cf4-ac5b-0e444c0408d6 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
SOC 2023 53ad89f5-8542-49e9-ba81-1cbd686e0d52 Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
SWIFT Customer Security Controls Framework 2024 7499005e-df5a-45d9-810f-041cf346678c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn unknown
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2019-10-11 00:02:54 add ae5d2f14-d830-42b6-9899-df6cfe9c71a3
JSON compare n/a