last sync: 2024-Jul-26 18:17:39 UTC

Kubernetes cluster Windows containers should not overcommit cpu and memory

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Kubernetes cluster Windows containers should not overcommit cpu and memory
Id a2abc456-f0ae-464b-bd3a-07a3cdbd7fb1
Version 2.1.0
Details on versioning
Category Kubernetes
Microsoft Learn
Description Windows container resource requests should be less or equal to the resource limit or unspecified to avoid overcommit. If Windows memory is over-provisioned it will process pages in disk - which can slow down performance - instead of terminating the container with out-of-memory
Mode Microsoft.Kubernetes.Data
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
Audit, Deny, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases none
Rule resource types IF (2)
Compliance Not a Compliance control
Initiatives usage none
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2023-05-01 17:41:52 change Minor (2.0.1 > 2.1.0)
2022-10-21 16:42:13 change Patch (2.0.0 > 2.0.1)
2022-09-19 17:41:40 change Major (1.0.2 > 2.0.0)
2022-07-08 16:32:07 change Patch (1.0.1 > 1.0.2)
2022-06-07 16:30:19 change Patch (1.0.0 > 1.0.1)
2022-04-29 18:06:01 add a2abc456-f0ae-464b-bd3a-07a3cdbd7fb1
JSON compare
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