last sync: 2024-Nov-08 18:52:29 UTC

Configure Function apps to only be accessible over HTTPS

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Configure Function apps to only be accessible over HTTPS
Id a096cbd0-4693-432f-9374-682f485f23f3
Version 2.0.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 1
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category App Service
Microsoft Learn
Description Use of HTTPS ensures server/service authentication and protects data in transit from network layer eavesdropping attacks.
Mode Indexed
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
Modify, Disabled
RBAC role(s)
Role Name Role Id
Website Contributor de139f84-1756-47ae-9be6-808fbbe84772
Rule aliases IF (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Web/sites/httpsOnly Microsoft.Web sites properties.httpsOnly True True
THEN-Operations (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Web/sites/httpsOnly Microsoft.Web sites properties.httpsOnly True True
Rule resource types IF (1)
Compliance Not a Compliance control
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type
[Preview]: Control the use of App Service in a Virtual Enclave 528d78c5-246c-4f26-ade6-d30798705411 VirtualEnclaves Preview BuiltIn
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2022-10-07 16:34:28 change Major (1.0.0 > 2.0.0)
2022-09-19 17:41:40 add a096cbd0-4693-432f-9374-682f485f23f3
JSON compare
compare mode: version left: version right: