Source | Azure Portal | ||||||||||||||
Display name | Configure Advanced Threat Protection to be enabled on Azure database for MySQL flexible servers | ||||||||||||||
Id | 3d5ed4c2-5e50-4c76-932b-8982691b68ae | ||||||||||||||
Version | 1.0.0 Details on versioning |
Versioning |
Versions supported for Versioning: 1 1.0.0 Built-in Versioning [Preview] |
Category | Security Center Microsoft Learn |
Description | Enable Advanced Threat Protection on your Azure database for MySQL flexible servers to detect anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases. | ||||||||||||||
Cloud environments | AzureCloud = true AzureUSGovernment = unknown AzureChinaCloud = unknown |
Available in AzUSGov | Unknown, no evidence if Policy definition is/not available in AzureUSGovernment | ||||||||||||||
Mode | Indexed | ||||||||||||||
Type | BuiltIn | ||||||||||||||
Preview | False | ||||||||||||||
Deprecated | False | ||||||||||||||
Effect | Default DeployIfNotExists Allowed DeployIfNotExists, Disabled |
RBAC role(s) |
Rule aliases | THEN-ExistenceCondition (1)
Rule resource types | IF (1) Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleservers THEN-Deployment (1) Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleservers/advancedThreatProtectionSettings |
Compliance | Not a Compliance control | ||||||||||||||
Initiatives usage |
History |
JSON compare | n/a | ||||||||||||||