last sync: 2024-Oct-04 17:51:30 UTC

Microsoft Managed Control 1556 - Vulnerability Scanning | Automated Trend Analyses | Regulatory Compliance - Risk Assessment

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Microsoft Managed Control 1556 - Vulnerability Scanning | Automated Trend Analyses
Id 391ff8b3-afed-405e-9f7d-ef2f8168d5da
Version 1.0.0
Details on versioning
Versioning Versions supported for Versioning: 0
Built-in Versioning [Preview]
Category Regulatory Compliance
Microsoft Learn
Description Microsoft implements this Risk Assessment control
Additional metadata Name/Id: ACF1556 / Microsoft Managed Control 1556
Category: Risk Assessment
Title: Vulnerability Scanning | Automated Trend Analyses
Ownership: Customer, Microsoft
Description: The organization employs automated mechanisms to compare the results of vulnerability scans over time to determine trends in information system vulnerabilities.
Requirements: Azure currently uses Kusto to compare the results of vulnerability scans over time to determine trends in information system vulnerabilities. Asset owners have the ability to create ad-hoc vulnerability reports such as the vulnerability compliance trend report, or vulnerability detail report by host and vulnerability group.
Mode Indexed
Type Static
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Fixed
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases none
Rule resource types IF (2)
The following 6 compliance controls are associated with this Policy definition 'Microsoft Managed Control 1556 - Vulnerability Scanning | Automated Trend Analyses' (391ff8b3-afed-405e-9f7d-ef2f8168d5da)
Control Domain Control Name MetadataId Category Title Owner Requirements Description Info Policy#
op.exp.2 Security configuration op.exp.2 Security configuration 404 not found n/a n/a 112
op.exp.3 Security configuration management op.exp.3 Security configuration management 404 not found n/a n/a 123
op.exp.4 Security maintenance and updates op.exp.4 Security maintenance and updates 404 not found n/a n/a 78
op.exp.5 Change management op.exp.5 Change management 404 not found n/a n/a 71
op.mon.3 Monitoring op.mon.3 Monitoring 404 not found n/a n/a 51 Risk analysis Risk analysis 404 not found n/a n/a 70
Initiatives usage
Initiative DisplayName Initiative Id Initiative Category State Type
Spain ENS 175daf90-21e1-4fec-b745-7b4c909aa94c Regulatory Compliance GA BuiltIn
History none
JSON compare n/a