last sync: 2024-Jul-26 18:17:39 UTC

Function app slots should use an Azure file share for its content directory

Azure BuiltIn Policy definition

Source Azure Portal
Display name Function app slots should use an Azure file share for its content directory
Id 13bcff5d-f0eb-4ce7-913e-83ad6300376b
Version 1.0.0
Details on versioning
Category App Service
Microsoft Learn
Description The content directory of a Function app should be located on an Azure file share. The storage account information for the file share must be provided before any publishing activity. To learn more about using Azure Files for hosting app service content refer to
Mode Indexed
Type BuiltIn
Preview False
Deprecated False
Effect Default
Audit, Disabled
RBAC role(s) none
Rule aliases IF (1)
Alias Namespace ResourceType Path PathIsDefault DefaultPath Modifiable
Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/storageAccountRequired Microsoft.Web sites/slots properties.storageAccountRequired True False
Rule resource types IF (1)
Compliance Not a Compliance control
Initiatives usage none
Date/Time (UTC ymd) (i) Change type Change detail
2022-09-19 17:41:40 add 13bcff5d-f0eb-4ce7-913e-83ad6300376b
JSON compare n/a